Save the Monster-Verse

Well cramming a lot into one film sure isn’t helping them especially with the addition of new guy and his family. The movie already has too many characters to be focusing on and the new guy sure as shit didn’t help it.

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Trailer for Ape VS Monster

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What in the rampaged rip off is this

It’s art??? I think

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It depends if toho allows them to continue using the rights for godzilla
Toho only gave them a certain amount of years to use him
So its up to toho to continue the monsterverse or not

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While this is very true and a hard to swallow.

Toho is very willing to allow his ip used as long as it is not hurt or has any negativity towards it. So hopefully the positivity that GvK brought will allow Toho to let Legendary continue!

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Im surprised wingard got them to agree to godzilla smiling they are more than just very willing im pretty sure it has to do with godzilla laughing at kong in kkvg idk haven’t seen that film in a while but legendary could try gamera bring that other iconic kaiju back
Been wanting to see him make a comeback

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Pfft I prefer the real monster-verse

Its awful all awful other than sub zero vs scorpion and they managed to insert the mary sue into that too.
And somehow anti-fun compared to annihilation. Atleast annihilation didnt care about appealing to normies in a franchise about magic and excessive violence.

Theyre born fated to fight in a Mortal Kombat tournament via a magic birthmark tattoo so the normie audience can have some vague understanding of whats going on & who any of these characters are & their powers.
Then Fate actually fucked up when the tattoo wielder dies and then it magically transfers to somebody else and now they have to go to the tournament.
Also there is no tournament in this movie, here’s cole’s wife fighting goro instead and duels in bathrooms throwing pills at eachother. If that movie gave us one thing its Boston accent kabal vs australian quipping kano.


Voltron: Nope monsters gunna die

