Scar mask found-with others

WHY? Point to the PRed who kills his FTs in less than 4 minutes then tell us WTF do you need to extend missions for? These missions were planned out so that it would be engaging for various levels of competencies of Predator skill levels. But no, you just want to pad 5 minutes into the missions for no rhyme or reason.

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That detox mask looks like the predator mutated by the black goo

Still waiting on the Celtic mask

Do you even read the forums or talk to other players?

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Do you take 10 minutes to kill your predators? Do you take 4 minutes or less to kill your FTs? Do you take THE WHOLE FUCKING MISSION to kill the FT?
MAKE SOME logical decisions as to what type of game length you want to have. Because if the pred kills you quickly …YOU ARE ALL DONE. NO AMOUNT OF FUCKING MISSION EXTENSIONS WILL CURE THIS!

BUT if you’re the type of predator that NEVER has the balls to come at the FT, then what is the point of this game? Capture on video, and we’ll tell you how boring that game is.

0—Im sorry man. Like if i’m beating you with a stick for some mysterious reason call me out.

You’re a special person. I’m sorry to have offended you. I hope you can find peace.


i do feel special sometimes…sometiems.

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2 rebreathers? Mhmm cant wait!!

In other words “make the game easier for pred so I can win against half decent ft”

He doesn’t realize that if they nerf ft to the ground, nobody will want to play as ft anymore. 30 mins wait time for pred just to load into a half empty lobby, is that what some people want?

If you’re a day-one pred main and are still bitching about ft being op, you straight up suck.

I can understand a noob or half decent pred complaint about ft being op, but not the so called “OGs”