So the predator doesn’t need to crouch to be ccompletely invisible? Thats bullshit!
SCIENCE! Is Predator Cloak broken in 1.11? - The results are in!
No once Pred stops moving while cloaked, 2-3 seconds after that he goes complete invis. It just happens a little faster if he is crouched.
i see.
I don’t understand @Fire told me that the cloak is 100% working differently on PC? Is this by some chance a mistake? Was he perhaps not 100%? Was he…dribbling poop?
You can also use it to log IPs I think :D
@Jysty it sounds like @YUPPERS has some additional input, he is going to get some videos together when he gets back to his PC.
I hope its not just random circumstantial crap but I’m like 99% sure it will be :o
You keep mocking me, but what I was talking about is that the cloak wont register what’s directly behind the pred properly.
How bout instead of talking shit you try to see what ppl are saying?
I’m not making this shit up. I’m going by clips ive seen from other people. So unless every single one of those ppl are messing with their settings, then the cloak is fucked.
who even cares about this definitely irrelevant bug compared to disconnects. This in no way resembles what was described but I understand you’ve changed your opinion to suit the evidence in the last few posts you made about it ? Yes that bug exists, its such a minute irrelevant thing it just couldn’t be what you meant SURELY.
Me and my brother tested this on PS4. Not sure if you care for findings
I havent changed anything. And it’s not a minor bug.
You act like what I’m saying is irrelevant when it’s a fucking problem.
I’ve been saying this since I first saw it.
Look man. Get your head out your fkn ass.
You dont believe me go look it up yourself.
But I guess when you’ve been dealing with broken shit from the start you can just accept it, being all fkd.
Yes, I am definitely interested in your findings. Did you manage to capture a video?
Patch 1.05 was the best patch.
Doesnt have shit to do with what I’m talking about, but sure. It makes no sense why you pretty much refuse to see it as a problem.
Pred isnt suppose to stick out that much during cloak.
I told you why it happens just a post ago.
I’m trying to bring up a problem, meanwhile you just wanna start shit.
Idk why.
Either you’re a ft main who wants the pred to have no stealth whatsoever, or you dont give a shit about the game.
Trust me, if it wasnt for what I’ve seen pretty much showing its broken on pc, then I wouldnt be talking about it.
But you’ve mocked me for shit other ppl have posted. Like I’m just making shit up.
And for what?
Are we friends now or?
It’s not about being friends or enemies. It’s about trying to get the game to a good place. That’s all I’ve been after. If you notice, it’s not like I’ve gone after you or talked shit to you til you started with me.
I just want the game to succeed that’s it.
So we’re not friends? :(
Encourage everyone to get involved in the conversation
does the PS4 version have an FOV slider like we do?
NOPE would be nice though
Whats base FOV on the PS4? Illfonic needs to give you guys a FOV slider. PC players at 90 see so much more of the map.