You are missing some things man:
-yautja Bane does more damage than before, we tested and now SAWZ needs 6 shots to kill hunter , before was 7 , revolver also need less shots to take 50% hp (assault class secondary perk wasnt working also, so it’s an additional +5% just in case)
-scout has already 12 perk points that is huge, and the slow of the melee attack doesnt stop the scout to run and dodge everything
-impenetrable is working, I have also put a picture of a comparison in other posts, it’s just a shit damage reduction compare to Bane buff
-Spear Throw got nerf now is 106 WITH DOWN RANGE and around 132 the headshot, so you need 3 wrist blade to down most of the classes right now because a lot of people are using tick skin , good luck not being parryed

I mean, they could have changed many things but not the damage, damage was already too much, probabily Illfonic testers use controller I don’t know. What did they think when they were making this change to Bane? Like if you have a decent aim (even hitting 50% of your bullets for example) you will pulverize the Predator, and fireteam is composed by 4 people that shoot to you at the same time with hitscan weapons 😅.

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they literally don’t though cause they banned perks for the FT and same guns therfore they can’t possiblly represent what happens actually in game
when in my experiance people tend to all take the same 2ndary gun cause there is one thats better than all others in the case of SMG’s or the revolver since literally no one would actually carry any of the other pistols and they banned bane which idk if you know this but it’s really strong and every “Meta team” is def using this perk

Smgs in my opinion are all viable even in a competitive scene btw

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Any restrictions are also extremely telling though.

While I would agree there all viable the problem is we know there is a numerically best option due to dps output at least for close range encounters

Making it so that if I wanted for example to ensure the melee game is not an option everyone would take the same smg

The problem is right now that doesn’t matter as there is no competitive representation of the other side which IS what the game is right now so it’s much harder to judge and easy to dismiss the latter for the same reason

It depends on the class you have. Ump very good,.Vektor very good, Pdw very good, it’s all situational. In my opinion PDW is good for punish quick claim . Vektor is overall very good for close range specially if the predator move and jump because it has more bullets and accuracy compared to PDW. UMP is good for sniper class because you can use it as an assualt rifle in case you are in bad spot for sniping due to the mission you have.

Thats why we need the changes I mentioned, otherwise a good Predator will never win against a ft with less skill than him. You need only 2 good ft to destroy the Predator now. And it’s not only the damage, but many other things.

I think the game should be matched according to experience level to give either faction a chance to win. We all know the best players are the ones doing all the work and kicking ass at the same time. It takes skills to fight at close range without having to rely on two snipers. When I play with a team we rarely lose a match, but when I play in pubs I have to strategize and be resourceful and guess what, I may be the first one dead. That’s when you know you’re a badass player when you have to actually use your brain and not just sit on top of a roof sniping.

The problem is that even if they do a ranked system (that will be so cool), the game will still remain unbalanced, because at high fireteam wins ALWAYS.

To make it even crossplay should be always on when matching by experience level because the fact is PS players have less accuracy than PC players, this gives the PS players no choice but to get good at close range combat. Also, if a pred looses to snipers they should not see it as a lose but as an unfair fight. I don’t feel like a bad player when I lose in a public match.

…but I’ll say this, preds are never going to get better if they keep setting off the alarms at letting the AI do all the work for them. It’s easy to kill a FT when they’re not looking because they’re busy fight AI.

The problem is that right now 5 SAWZ shot can kill a Predator with the new Yautja Bane. Fireteam has too much damage output and the Predator got many nerfs for his range weapons.

I know that’s why I’m suggesting a way to better balance the fight, not the game.

For anyone who disagrees with these balance suggestions i would like to say…

But personally…i’m going to have to turn my back on you

cause this shits wack! Not only is this selfish…but there are still so many factors that make up balance its just not that worth it making pin point precision changes. PC FT are not PS FT. PC Preds are not PS Preds. And quad combos of PC/PS deathsquads …against either PC or PS predators boils down to perspective and these changes would either do nothing other than change how ppl play anyway. Minute changes like this happen all the time with different combinations of gears and perks and class types and play styles…where does it stop?

Didn’t daddy tell you this before you bought this game?

But i think its wack that you went out of your way to manhandle a jenga challenge with chopsticks when you can just use your fingers.

Are you directing this to me?

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no dude. OP. origina post not over powered.

ok ok…yea I’m happy with this game. I play in random teams to better my skills and I die sometimes like everyone else, but that’s the fun part.

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the only way this dmg can stay is if cloak is better and the crackling stops; pred gets better ads movement, quick charge plasma and bow get buffed, and pred uses no stamina when melee, plasma caster speed increase as well