
So I’m trying to find the appeal for them, I tend to see most FT People running smgs then shotguns. What are your thoughts on them? i used the first one you can start with, thought it was alright. The last one the CS12 the autoshotgun, Everytime I have used it seems to do very little dmg.

Currently all 2nd weapons that aren’t the revolver or the third smg are absolutely garbage and should never be used no matter what


Makes me feel like their should be some reworks for them then to had more of a variety then.

You speak lies. The Vector is the best smg

Auto shotgun blows use the Spas

2XL is fine and lets you doubletap AI across the map. Easy AI clearing, no ammo struggles. Ignores AI armor.


While the Vector has a faster rate of fire, it will not put a Pred down in one mag, the UMP however will.


I’ve been playing around a bit lately and the auto shotgun with extended mag on the assault class with the weapons handling perk can do some nasty damage you would probably struggle to take down a berserker but hunters and scout shouldn’t be a problem.they definitely need a buff though I don’t like to be the guy who wants nerfs and buffs but I swear the AI shotguns feel like their doing more damage than the FT.

The SMG’s are definitely the most powerful secondarys but for me I like to play around with different builds.

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I miss the auto shotgun being useful on the scout, but then assault stole it the class skill that made it worth it. Not a fan of the change.

The shotguns aren’t great weapons but if they had different ammo types that would be fixable. Buckshot for high dmg at close range, slugs for things in the medium and long, with a slight drop off.

I’d like more secondary option, for a Shotguns in particular I’d like a side by side double barrel that’s sawed off and and an over under double barrel hunting gun.

The vector is not the best SMG. It has a bit more burst to the point the bullets run out but a clip of the 3’th SMG does more damage then one from the vector. The 3’th SMG has far better accuracy. Vector sprays everywhere even with the perk if the target is not hugging you.

Best AR - Hammerhead. Best secondary 3’th SMG. For primary choose between LMG or hammerhead unless you’re really good with a sniper. If you want better range go hammerhead, if not roll LMG with SMG secondary for NPCs and when the predator shows up switch to LMG (150 bullets). It can down a predator in 4 seconds if you hit him, they just melt!

If I remember from the TTK videos, the minigun has the highest dps as close range, including its wind up time, then all the smgs with the extended mags, then the 2nd shotgun with extended mag, then the knife. At that point, it doesn’t matter what you bring, the knife is better than it. The knife is literally in second place if you don’t have the extra bullets.

Its only like .03 in difference. Then you have ALL the insane drawbacks for the minigun. That weapon should never be used against a good predator. If you want close range stopping power go LMG.

Sure you’re slow, but if you can wind that up before the pred lands, he’s dead far faster than just three seconds. And, the LMG’s recoil makes it less than practical to use at range, and since its a primary, you give up a long range weapon for it.

You would be wrong on your primary weapons there. The AK has a TTK of 3 seconds with extended mag, the SCAR is right behind it at 3.5 seconds…

Assault with Y Bane on, using vector. I’ve sat many a predator down

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Yes, but without bane it won’t down in one mag

Some dragon breath ammo would be sick too !

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That’s fair. I’m just saying I’ve never seen anything do as much damage that fast due to the assault secondary damage ability and bane, mixed with the dumb fire rate

Facts, that thing burns health off of preds, but the 3rd SMG just hits a little harder plus has better accuracy.

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Yeah ngl the vector is essentially the noob eraser. I just whip it out when they charge or try and thirst the skull of a teammate right next to me.