
Yes it would be, 3 second Flame thrower here to save the day.

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LMG’s recoil is basically nothing unless maybe its harder to use with a controller. The damage dropoff isnt anything either because every gun sans the minigun is accurate as hell even the shotguns.
You only need half the mag to kill the pred so the other half is free to go wherever you want it, LMG is massively overtuned.
The windup on the minigun is a waste of time in comparison unless the pred is long claiming in front of your face.

What makes assault rifles weak is the need to reload. Reloading at the wrong time means you just screwed your dps completely & it leaves no room for missing shots. This and most people reload compulsively so they’re missing free damage.

let’s all learn something

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Hard to be good when your teammates quit. maybe share thoughts of the shotguns instead of a lecture bro?

lol i did scroll up to the top?

Heres my copy pasta from PATCH 1.04, nothing has changed but if you can’t aim great I guess the vector was always OK. “My thoughts on the FT meta for PC: I think a good FT can just split farm the map/objectives once they know the LOS paths across the map. I think the best builds are support with thick skin or assault with OWLF and thick skin. I think the best guns are the Sawz, the Rp 103 and the 2xl, there is no reason to use anything else ever other then roleplaying. I also think scout with double time can parry kite predators but its not broken coz 125hp is butthole.”

All you did was copy and paste, kinda lazy by not giving your own thoughts. just saying maybe less troll and more to the topic.

My thoughts on the FT meta for PC: I think a good FT can just split farm the map/objectives once they know the LOS paths across the map. I think the best builds are support with thick skin or assault with OWLF and thick skin. I think the best guns are the Sawz, the Rp 103 and the 2xl, there is no reason to use anything else ever other then roleplaying. I also think scout with double time can parry kite predators but its not broken coz 125hp is butthole.

i did lol

I belive all weapons of the FT should have a rework, most of them only deals good damage when in close distance(kind of weird considering that it’s gun) while losing some kick after afew meters away, and all of them are “hitscan” like there is no travel of the bullet, only a automatic hit as long as you aim at something.

But the appeal of shotguns? Well, it’s a shotgun, my darling being the “AA-12”.

Imagine being so bad that you advocate stacking automatic weapons over just having 2 players with a sawz or 7en. Biased bad console info :o

literally said in the post if your good at snipers take em but if not autos are the way to go?

If you can’t aim a sniper don’t play the game thank

Second shotgun is very good, the 3rd smg is basically a shitty assault rilfe (bb gun). cs12 is only good with drum mag on point blank at mid range its useless, not like the second shotgun which has the biggest range and most damage. Minigun ist also useful against melee preds.