the reason behind it is curretnly 2 of the three pistols are the best side arms you can take in teh entire game due to their DPS output the only pistol that’s “Balanced” properly is the 2xl (Revolver) but there is a reason no one takes it cause it’s trash
The real reason why this wouldn’t be okay is in a situation where a FT is downed That fireteam assuming they have the 2nd pistol (1011-12) They would immediatly be able to take 80% of the preds hp away from emptying the clip on the predator when he tries to get close to them which means the predator cannot do anything about a downed fireteam until he sees that ft go through a relod animation or he has to just pincushion the corpse with arrows to secure kills
Cause keep in mind in this situation assuming there are like 1 or two ft around who are also shooting the pred suddenly downing a FT is not even an advantagous situation for the predator
Think about that A predator emptied the hp bar of a fireteam member they are still at a disadvantage beause of what you would be suggesting
You do not want this to happen it’s obvious why this is a bad idea