Should cheating be considered as cheating?

Cheater accusing another cheater, what a sight to behold.

Why is he standing like that? Looks like he is desperate to go to the toilet.

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You are baby. Baby Dan.

lmao, do you not realize that he’s making fun of you in the OP? your admission to cheating was the first point in the joke original post. Predator Melee Damage through walls has to stop

144hz isnt going to put a silver player in plat and this has been common knowledge forever. People aren’t stuck outside high ranks because they don’t have expensive gaming chairs and an expensive keyboard, the truth is that they’re bad and need to learn the game.The QOL enhancements and percieved smoothness of frames make a difference at the absolute highest level of play where .5ms reaction will get you headshot fighting 5% of the games population that are all at the same skill level. I’m talking vs other PC players. Otherwise you’d be getting rolled by people with 120 frames to your 90 but that’s not how things actually work in practice because that difference in frames isn’t going to help you learn recoil patterns, angles, and so on and games where split second reactions make a difference tend to have massive learning curves where you would be getting stomped by the best players regardless of who has the better gaming chair. But buy a recoil macro for one of these games and you can shoot like a legend despite never actually being able to click that fast while aiming yourself in a million years.

Vs PS players is irrelevant because they are using a controller with no aim assist in a crossplay game. The mere fact that the other person is using a mouse puts them a huge aiming advantage. It does make players that do compete with their 30 fps and motion blur impressive because they’re skilledcapped by hardware. The potato you just played with that watched the pred kill you had nothing to do with his lack of ultrawide monitor. The reality is that 90% of people aren’t being actively bottlenecked by hardware and are infact just bad, but that ruins things for the people trying to market gaming chairs, 12,000 dpi mice, $600 mechanical keyboards/headsets, and 240hz monitors none of which are actually going to get you to diamond in Valorant. Same logic people use when spending 2 grand on professional soccer equipment.

Ah I see

Dude, nobody is saying gaming hardware makes all the world in difference. The best player in COD is still going to anihilate me even if I have 90 frames and he has 30. Just like if I have to fight Mike Tyson and I grab a friend, we still get demolished but that does not mean we did not have an advantage over him.

We’re also not taking 90 frames to 120, try 30 to 90.

Mike Tyson could kill all three of us but 30 fps is actually missing visible frames and has input lag so 60fps is considered a baseline requirement in a competitive shooter. Most people playing above 60 frames don’t actually have the mechanical skills and reaction time to even capitalize on the extra frames so its ultimately an excuse for the average person to be hardstuck at a certain rank. Just like people complaining about having 40 ping when everyone else has 30 ping. But if I buy a recoil macro for my AK because i’m bad at the game I can outshoot people regardless of the anything listed above as long I counterstrafe hitting two keys and hold the fire button aiming chest level.

You should change your profile picture to Old Gregg.

Hello ADIsnap nice Teleport, Wall, Aim & other hacks. I hope you and your hacker friends get banned.

seems you’re mad about being a no-skill pred?


Who are you? Do you have any records or examples?
Made my day xD

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I am totes joining the PC master race so I can be great hackers like them too 🙄

I am so confused.
Is this a joke or is Thunderwolf being serious?

I have no clue
Popcorn chewing intensifies
Gotta say this is real funny to watch though

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It’s basically a Meta post about the previous thread where people asked are macros cheating

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As a playstation player, i want to team up with you! I dont want to die out there! Cuz i always die, and i dont like this game unless im playing as predator.

If it doesn’t matter…

Then why does it matter?

Unless you actually suck and just trying too disguise it

Let’s be honest your really trolling hard I can see it.

Its alien metal vs steel walls bruh ;)

aren´t u a PC player? I am confused rn