Should PS players loose their right to play the game?


Ps players suck

Durbs manā€¦you dont have to be real. when you start making sense, i start loosing faith in u!

talk with meā€¦walk with meā€¦

But likeā€¦ Why

Someoneā€™s craving attention again.

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Sure, mr. seigfried

Yes, letā€™s nerf people who level up and buff newbiesā€¦ ever heard a game doing that? No. Because it makes no fucking sense. Git GUD

re-word thatā€¦with less sarcasm.
i think you got the right idea though.

Hang on, Mass. Didnā€™t I claim you in 39 seconds at match start last time we facedā€¦

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sureā€¦tell me about it.

i do remember this though:

You were tasty

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There doesnā€™t need to be a balance just get gud PS Scum lol


your response is 1 hour too late. Eyes onn you!!!

I am timeless

the shame that poops from your predator pouch!

My pouch is experienced, yours is spotless and without honor.

honour is like your own perspective mam

@Arnie.schwarzewigger @Toxic @Abazagoroth

He needs another lesson