Should PS players loose their right to play the game?

Is this game for PS players? I think they should discontinue support 100%. and focus on the balance for PC players 100% to make it a proper balance!
Proposal for perfect PC balance:

Don’t agree? FIGHT ME!

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I actually like playing on my PS4 because it’s the only way i can play predator hunting grounds for me and i don’t want my money to be wasted on a game i can’t play. So i think they should continue support for PS4 and PC players.


thats cool. I dig PS4 players !!!

Thank you and i agree the balance in the game is horrible.

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yeah…correct. thats …very accurate.

I think it’s very, very, very, very, very, very accurate.

See that balance its just unbalanced between platforms, which is an intresting thing. yes?Its not inbalanced weapon system thing…or anything like that. people have limitations on different controls from different platforms and thats it.

Ya I think theirs actually add-ons you can equip to a PC to improve your aim. Also i think the weapons on FT and predator could be nerfed.

For the Playstation peeps::

They call it a mouse and keyboard…back in the old days…you know. ironically its called a ps1 keyboard

Can’t you add a keyboard and mouse to a console?

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I really imagine you can…but the floor is opened up for PS5 players mainly. I can’t speak for them though.

Of course there are those 1/4 keyboard devices that only foster Q-R and ctrl to space bar or some shit. which seem to work.

Excuse me Mr 28

RESPECT! I got more points this time! Ill be reaching 30 points in no time!

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The most stupid thing i’ve read in this forum.
But coming from who it came we couldn’t expect something different…

Listen you joker, clown,boy think about my razor sharpies cutting into you. Youre just a fake player. not a real player.

From a guy like you, those threats are nothing but a belly laugh.

frown boi, you a clown boi.

Stop eating tacos, stop masturbate all day and stop waste your parents money ant get a life.

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You…DO realize that there are a lot of very, very good PS players, some on par with those on PC. And this game was developed specifically for PS. This thread confuses me.

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