Should we have community members elected into moderators to clean up the forums so that Oldkinghamlet and courier can focus on passing ideas onto the devs?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
(Put people you would like to see as moderators in the replies lol)
Should we have community members elected into moderators to clean up the forums so that Oldkinghamlet and courier can focus on passing ideas onto the devs?
0 voters
(Put people you would like to see as moderators in the replies lol)
Personally I think @Fire or @Slasher_Clone would be good candidates as they both can control their temper, as well as seem to always be a voice of reason.
They are also regulars and are on daily.
I’d like to nominate myself as the Predator: Hunting Grounds forum President.
I appreciate that, I don’t think I’m ahhh, a good choice but in turn…
I’d like to nominate @Lazycollinator.
I think we could use some community volunteers, I’m don’t want to put anyone on the spot by nominating them without knowing how they feel about having to do work, while on the forum. Being a mod is work, it can be time intensive sometimes.
Are there any here who would like to offer their own name?
I volunteer as tribute.
The forums are perfect as they are and there’s only like 50 people here regardless.
I’d like to be a sub admin when someone else cant
Eh I like to help, but I dont think I’d be the best mod lol.
Honestly @GrimmReaper seemed like hed be a really good one, but I think he said he was done with this game.
I agree that the forums needs additional moderators.
Although I don’t think we should be nominating or volunteering ourselves.
Illfonic should approach the people they feel are well-suited.
Its best to have it the way it is. They hire outside companies without bias to do it
I would be amazed if Courier and OldKingHamlet actually get paid to be moderators here.
I’m almost sure it’s an ‘on the side’ gig, that they have no dedicated resource for.
Courier from my understanding is done
I play the game maybe 4 times a week now. At first it was 3 hrs a day for 3 months except Saturday
Lol yeah but whats the harm in mucking about for fun lol.
The amount of people saying no is obscene
I’m not offended or anything lol. Not bothered, I just honestly dont think I’d be good for it.
Theres quite a few ppl who think ima troll too, so that wouldnt help lmao.
Honestly if it wasnt for the arguements I’ve had with Xan and a few other ppl I’d say sure.
I dont mind helping tho if I can.
fuck no