Should we get community moderators? (Poll and recommendations in replies.) Please come vote.

yee boy


Yea ive only greened out like once shit was wild but i learned my lesson

Im waiting for that season 5 but thinking of just reading it

of you like reading you havent done enough weed. too much effort

“i have never seen one person start a fight high, know why? because its fucking impossable, Hey buddy! hey, hey! nods end of argument” -bill hicks

What does this have to be with me wanting to nuke ppls accounts off this forum for posting them. What is ur malfunction. You see anything with JH and ur panties auto get twisted and ur Sphincter clamps shut. Like are you so dumb you dont know how to read or what?

I like visuals but if I’m high enough and enjoy the franchise i will commit to reading. Lol


Ah…My B the way you typed it verses the way it was meant is a bit different again My B

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dude when im high im like i cant be brothered to do any thing work. Fuck i dont even like to fucking walk! im that high im just laying down in my bed with my phone watching house or anime. cough cough kill la kill with my gal * cough cough* sorry i just had a hit. you know how it be. ;)

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All good. If I was a mod, I would close every JH the minute its posted and remove them immediately from the Forum and then track their Ip and smash whatever platform they play on. Then fuck their mom lol

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Hey man Promise Neverland is a great Anime on Netflix right now. Will recommend

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thanks my dude i’ll check it out.

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Reminds me of my Xbox days


fucking x-box my god the feels are real halo days my dude fucking halo man

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No problem.

Anime Nerd here aswell. Huge Gundam fan

Assassination classroom, Any of the fate series, Scissor seven ( since you like those crazy ones) Baki, Iron Blooded orphans. I recommend all these because they are leas mushy anime and more about ppl catching the hands lol

Halo Infinite when it comea out will be the main reason I buy the new xbox aswell

Master Chief “I need a weapon”


imagine even moderators will figh each other

High score girl aswell so you can watch with ur gf. Its a anime that focuses around the early fighting game scene main street fighter 2 its great and ur gf will enjoy it aswell

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