Should we get community moderators? (Poll and recommendations in replies.) Please come vote.

Hey man Promise Neverland is a great Anime on Netflix right now. Will recommend

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thanks my dude i’ll check it out.

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Reminds me of my Xbox days


fucking x-box my god the feels are real halo days my dude fucking halo man

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No problem.

Anime Nerd here aswell. Huge Gundam fan

Assassination classroom, Any of the fate series, Scissor seven ( since you like those crazy ones) Baki, Iron Blooded orphans. I recommend all these because they are leas mushy anime and more about ppl catching the hands lol

Halo Infinite when it comea out will be the main reason I buy the new xbox aswell

Master Chief “I need a weapon”


imagine even moderators will figh each other

High score girl aswell so you can watch with ur gf. Its a anime that focuses around the early fighting game scene main street fighter 2 its great and ur gf will enjoy it aswell

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I fkn love that series.

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Which one named several

High score girl?

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no my girl its more about heavy story she picked out my profile pic. she loves my hero and death note and parastye

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I nominate myself as President of PHG Forum.

I will bring economic prosperity, tighten our borders to prevent illegal furries and weebs from infiltrating our community, I will eliminate all 87 Hunter threads immediately, and most of all I will wield the Ban Hammer righteously in the name of Yautja Prime.

Vote VENN7eance, the one true voice amongst us👽

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High score girl is somewhat story driven. It grabs you tho when u start watching it I promise you. My girl hates anime but we watched this one together and holy shit she got into it and then we watch others that I have seen. I lover parasite and I couldn’t wait to share it with her. She enjoyed the fuck out that show. Promise neverland has a great story and it grabs you by the end of the 1st episode

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seems like you thought this threw

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I tend to do that man. I may fly off the handle sometimes but I do have my moments may be few and far between where they are knowledgeable and well thought out.

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welp looks like im treating my gal tonight im thinking taco bell tonight just buy like 12 crunch wraps and have a fucking night of anime and being STONED

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Ya high score

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Sounds like a plan. Now I want taco bell lol