When issues like this exist, skill stops being a factor, and luck is about all you have at your side. Because theres only so much you can do.
This is why pred players bitch that FT is too strong
and FT bitch that pred is too strong.
From either side there is fat amounts of Bullshit. and its near impossible to fight. And thats not fun. Its only gotten worse as more players get better (or the bad ones leave) because now two months later, I am coming across more matches with skilled players abusing meta weapons, than I am coming across the teams that are absolutely useless.
Which in a sense is a good thing. Sometimes when good players arent abusing the metas, the fights are really fun. But as soon as you get even one person with a meta weapon, or thats rushing objectives down fast af, or thats spotting you infinitely from sound, or thats playing a berzerker and running the beefiest perks and strongest melee weapons, trying his best to rush you, (which is a problem when you are like me and you play mostly solo), etc.
It quickly stops being fun. Also, this is an assymetrical game. not saying I want pred to be easy, but he needs to have better ways to control the match, split up the FT, etc.