Single player story for Predator and Fireteam

Ubisoft isn’t perfect, by any means. I’ll be the first to shit on them in most cases. But it’s better than Bethesda. That’s the other likely candidate.

Wtf seriously? I guess that explains a lot LMAO

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lol battlepass collectahon of p2w preds and exclusive locked weapons & lowkey subscription systems

only singleplayer pred game id play would be by the arkham devs

Damn, at that point I’d take Ubisoft.

I’ve made this observation before, but I wonder if the Assassin’s Creed forums have people complaining that the single-player game they bought doesn’t have multiplayer?

This game was designed and advertised as a multiplayer game. It’s quite obvious that the Devs don’t have the resources or skills to develop a satisfying single-player experience. Anyone who has spent 5 minutes in a match and witnessed the AI behaviour should know that.

Besides, if by some miracle a single-player story was added, how long would that take to complete - a few hours at most? How is that meant to bring longevity to this game? Do you think people are just going to play the story over and over again?! The whole point of a multiplayer game is that it has a built-in longevity that a single player game doesn’t have because you’re playing different actual human beings/matches all the time.

This game, like the vast majority of games will wither away eventually, but that’s just how things roll (especially with a niche IP like this one). Asking for ridiculously unobtainable content isn’t going to make it last any longer.


Yea like, can you even buy a Field Locker for 99 cents? No?

So people should actually stop saying this shit is “just a cash grab” for real. Actual cope runs rampant in these fourms.

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I mean, I have fun with the AC games and For Honor is decent fun. So, I have more faith in UbiSuck than Bethesturd.

I’ll be honest, the last Assassin’s Creed I played was that last one with Ezio. Then I stopped so I wouldn’t know how good the Creeds are now.

For Honor is okay. Combat System is good but personally I find it wonky as hell. Revenge is hard hand holding.

not really a high bar bethesda is still using a decade old engine and expecting modders to fix their games for them

ubisoft is full on pay to win subscription EA tier paid booster crap schemes though

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I get the points people are making and like I said to each their own. I am not going to put you down for your view points. Those are view points of the multi-player fan base though and mine are those of a single player fan base. Two completely different views. To have respect for others views is key though. When you automatically knock down an opposing viewpoint you automatically become the aggressive party and are now trying to forcefully impose your point of view on all those involved. That is fine and if childish name calling make one feel better about their point of view then so be it. I don’t need to resort to that type of behavior to get my point of view across. When I say keyboard warriors that is stating a fact and not calling anybody any name other than what they actually are.

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am I the only one that remembers the original Revenge 1v5s and gear system lol.

I quit after they kept releasing heroes with .2second unblockables and crap and had no problem shafting older/unpaid classes

Speaking of Game Modes, how much you wanna bet Gaunlet is Pred PvP?

I actually would play the shit out of that.


Oh, yea, Warmonger and Griffon? Holy shit lmao.

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Yes I want a story mode so I can still use my dlc or it’s a waste of money 😔


Assassins creed is all weird RPG mechanics, gear systems, level locked areas now in a singleplayer game

stop lowbie you cannot assassinate that guy he has a lv45 next to his name go somewhere else and level up like this is an MMO…
Weird, I hate the Destiny crap being shoved into singleplayer games to try to pad time.

Damn it!

I was hoping it was real to cut down Pred times


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would be sick but its anyones guess at this point its been in the works awhile.
could be an escort mode.

either way I hope its less dependent on AI.

I mean if you look at my comments I’ve pretty much just matched your tone and have been pointing out facts.

Besides, idk bout them but I’m not a keyboard warrior.

If you like singleplayer so much, go play one of the many options available.
The a.i. is shit in this game, so bots would suck and be boring in this game.
It would be pretty pointless.

But again, like I also said.
Just add a pve mode, where the ft and pred have to work together against a horde of enemies.

Ft has to complete some objectives, pred gives covering fire.

Like it could be stron stargazer units.
Tanks, choppers, ect.

And if that works well enough, add that to private matches, as enemies that spawn in.

But this is ilfonic Were talking about.
It would take them a long time to add that in an actual make it work.

Cause missions like that sound way more fun than mindless shitty bots.

He was referring to @CCD_Wuffell .