‘Skull’ Is an Origin Story About the First Time a Predator Comes to Earth;...

Is the release date set before then?

I bet it releases around January

If filming is just about wrapped

Article says they’re 3/4 done with production… I mean, maybe the whole comanche thing is a misdirection. It could be 1000 years earlier for all we know. I fucken hope so.

Makes no difference to me tbh

I was gonna watch it but I’m not subscribing to Hulu

upcoming Predator movie will be “an origin story about the Predator’s first journey to this planet.”

In the film, Amber Midthunder (“Legion”) stars as a Comanche woman who goes against gender norms and traditions to become a warrior.

Disney am I right?

It’s funny how fans beat them first to it

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Honestly, I’ve said it a thousand times on this forum: All these threads about ‘lore’ and trying to nail down some definitive explanation or backstory for these ridiculous cosplay Preds is pointless as this IP/franchise or whatever you want to call it is not beloved enough to have any consistency.

Of course a filmmaker who is (by the sounds of it) trying to get back to the feel and style of the original movie is not going to worry about contradicting some BS timeline dreamt up by some video game Devs. Especially if it involves goofy-ass Preds dressed up as Vikings, Samurais, and Egyptian princesses - that would be like expecting the filmmaker to take into account the Kenner Predator toys.

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They can’t capture the spirit of the first movie. For the past 20 years or so Hollywood just keeps trying to bring back the success of the 80s and 90s. Things were better because the culture was better. It’s right there in the description… a fucking Comanche girl, who would likey already be a mother in her teens, is actually a warrior cuz fuck history and will kill the predator. Totally the same feel as the first movie.

It’ll be just as good when the little girl roars ‘stunning and brave’ as she tears off the predators head with her bare hands.

^I’m betting they’ll actually do this, and will be the reason why predators take skulls because origin movie=changing the fundamentals… and it’s fucking called skull.


Oh I agree. The best they can hope for is a pale imitation, but yes, I have my reservations about the new movie like most people after hearing the crowbarred-in Mary Sue ‘girl power’ nonsense the first synopsis detailed.

I never expect any new Pred movies to be any good, but I can’t see this being worse the Shame Black abomination we’ve just had to bleech from our minds. At least this film is returning to a stalk/hunt narrative rather than having super autism kids and giant Preds.

The guy also said they started off with the movie being R rated but it might end up a PG.

That is highly disturbing.

They also state that it’s about the original preds first trip to earth. So jungle hunter? Are they gonna ruin him too? Will he need to be bested by the girl to expose his toxic masculinity?

This movie seems like it’s out to commit suicide.

Actual quote from the first production meeting.

Exec1 “So we think if we give the real pred fans what they want then we can have a great movie success.”

Exec 2 “wokeness, something about gender, possibly ruin an iconic creature and do it all in a ridiculous setting?”

Exec 1 “yeah, duh.”

Exec 2 “Lets do it. Oh, one more thing. Should the pred be gay?”

Exec 1 “Obviously”

James Cameron could bear no more. James Cameron immediately shot himself in the face.


I think they meant the Predator’s (as in species) first trip to earth. Especially as the Predator in this film is no doubt going to be defeated/killed at some point.

Hopefully. But they use the phrase original predators journey to earth. But yeah lets hope they just mean their first hunt as a species on this planet.

Total WOKE bullshit

Yautja hunted on earth when dinos were still around - that stupid Hollywood WOKE lot can’t even bother to research the lore just a bit before pumping shit ton of their fucking propaganda into it… disgusting, pathetic woke retards!!!

Good morning everyone, how’s our forums doing today?

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The film is pre-colonialization and that was around the 1560’s. So Samurai still works out even if we may have to bring him forward in the timeline a bit. That all being said he’s tied more to a specific theme than a year so say any time prior to maybe a decade after the official end of the samurai and he still works out just fine.

Viking and Valkyrie have a few more issues given that while they’re themed after Viking lore, they’re not actually tied to the Viking. However they do interact with them which makes the existence awkward assuming this film is somewhere at least in the 1500’s at the latest.

We don’t have much an idea how old Cleopatra even is. She’s themed around Egypt but we still don’t have any lore about her to go off of.

AVP also still works out given they left things on pretty definitive terms with no one being left alive to talk about it. So given we don’t know what things had been like or even when Scar’s people came back this might still work.

Alpha’s origin is nebulous. So he’s the earliest Predator but he’s not relevant to anything on Earth beyond decoration and given he’s spoken of in legend we have some room for error. So his depiction might be on some level malleable.


I’d honestly hold off on an actual definitive confirmation as to the actual canonicity of this. Just seems like Producers blowing steam and not even knowing what they’re talking about.

The feel of the first movie was all about fire power

Dan Trachtenberg “let’s remove all the guns”


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So if this is saying the its the first contact! How would the word get to other countries of such a beast? It really wouldn’t so that makes the lore safe

Who even has Hulu???

This movie is going to bomb hard as fuck

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This movie is going straight to Hulu? Lol I have Hulu because it came free with my cable subscription

I think it is

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