So ive been researching a ton

What do you mean?

You never spotted the templars at his speeches?

They wear pins with G’s, squares and compasses on them

Oh yeah, I think I’ve spotted them.

I noticed some of his bodyguards making illuminati gestures too.

Wtf did this turn into?


Y not just use our phones then? The wifi clearly already does that?

Because there is this shit they found…its a black goo…kinda like spiderman venom…um stranger things… what they found is it makes u a stone cold killer… it came from a meteor…just like spiderman.
Thete is a meteor in islam that big black cube…ever wonder why islam is violent…ever wonder why spiderman cant control himself with the symbonite… now take the goo and now inject it into your blood. Then get a chip in your hand…then have a quantum computer take over your body.

Sounds like fantasy

These metors they found dropped around the same time as exodus… which also was when Tataria and the world was put 100 ft under. The destruction of an ancient civilization. Including the island of Atlantis


Someone who knows this guy IRL needs to stage an intervention or something, before he starts running naked through the streets yelling at people while smeared in his own shit (presuming he hasn’t started doing this already).

If he genuinely believes all the crank horseshit he’s spouting then he has my pity, because his life must be one of endless ridicule and paranoia.


I legit don’t know how this shit happens lmao.

We use stuff from other animals or objects in nature in stuff we use all the time. We don’t drink Human Breast Milk do we? We don’t dress up in Human Hair?

COVID-19/21 politicized verbal and textual garbage is worst than any Flat Earther ever could be. Because while the Flat Earther is usually a humble fool that thinks the earth is paper thin or a flat slate, these guys will say and do the absolute most idiotic and disturbing shit to “prove a point”.

Can’t wait until some shill comes in asking us to sniff herbs or the shiny crystal they found in a cave like it’s some kind of Video Game cure straight out of Resident Evil.

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I pity all of you braindead sheep that don’t know how to question any of the bullshit you see on Tv.

How can the earth be flat when it isn’t even real?

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‘Sheep’ - surprised you didn’t go with the usual ‘sheeple’.

Anyway, carry on believing the laughably insane nonsense you ‘research’ via crank websites and YouTube vids. I just find you village idiots hilarious.

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Oh I question things all the time. I don’t even watch the news. If I wanted to ruin my day I would go doom scroll on Twitter and look at the latest rape of a child or murder of a family man.

It’s just that all this of this Covid shit is just so obviously engineered to get the easily swayed, or gullible if I were to be blunt, to believe a bunch of crazy shit that is fueled either knowingly or unknowingly by idiot or somehow smart politicians that know how to prevent change is to create a opposition; regardless of how nonsensical that is.

What’s laughable is that idiots like you are walking around with masks on their faces and getting vaccinated because all the “experts” on Tv told you to.

You sheeple are a joke.

This covid shit is being used to further an agenda, if that still isn’t obvious to you then I don’t know what to tell you my guy.

Not to immediately assume, but I’ve noticed that people become like this after a major loss from their life, whether it be a family member or a job, or even a pet or friend. Shit gets to people and forgive my meme language, but they literally cope out a reason to explain said tragedy. They also may want to be included into a community, to sense a feeling of belonging in like minded individuals to cope with said pain in their life.

Again, not trying to be a armchair therapist, but it’s what I notice at least.

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I’ve noticed that most people are followers and like conformity.

Greyback off subject… i dismantled u and 3 other morons on this shitastic game in under 1 min. By your cognitive abilities alone… youd be last person id get advice from.