So ive been researching a ton

I do believe to some extent that it is used to fuel a certain agenda, perhaps multiple. Who the hell wouldn’t have agendas in the government body?

Everyone has agendas. But the idea that 5G is tracking us when already existing tools such as Google Maps or IP Adresses exist is kinda like, huh? We already have a lot of tracking done already.

When we, and by we I mean ya’ll start to draw lines connecting the fucking Black Cube, or some other shit, it becomes a jumbled mess. This is why shit like Q-Anon or Gamer/Pizzagate is so fucking stupid.

I just want the funny memes with Alex Jones talking about Gay Frogs again, before he started saying dead children were “crisis actors” or the chimpanzee chode slopping idiot that is Joe Rogan gives his pea sized brain take with actual suss “interviewees”.

I dont research q at all. These are straight documents u can find anywhere.

I said Q as an general example, as I did Gamer and Pizza Gate.

Go straight to the patents and investors … follow the money follow the people

Okay but anything and everything has patents and investors these days.

I find crazy that people will point this out like it means anything, but mention some real shit like the Wata Games and Heretige Auctions Video Game Bubble and no one will bat an eye.

Well done you. I am shit at FT (only played a handful of times) and did play with some friends the other day who’d picked up the game as part of the free deal, so you really showed us didn’t you!

Still doesn’t fix the fact you’re a gullible, conspiracy deranged moron.

EDIT: though thinking about, we never actually lost a game as we only played against noob Preds? So I’m guessing your ‘research’ abilities don’t extend to getting my ID right

The panents are ref numbers on vaccines… thats why. The patent for firefly dna is in the vaccine. If you go to moderna site as i have listed click on the second hyperlink on their veryown webpage… page 6 and 45 have luciferase listed. If u want to know who lucifer is…the bible has history but you have to have knowledge. Lucifer was a babylonian cannanite king that was slain. O son of the morning how thou has fallin. The son in pagan mythology is venus when it gets close to earth it goes through there pagan temple and rests…but whatever…knowledge of historical facts will set you free. Lucifer is not satan… these are misconceptions

The fact that the mainstream media tried so hard to shut down the connection between 5g and Corona should be enough of a red flag for you.

Everything is connected my guy, the truth is stranger than fiction.

Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Q-anon are all controlled opposition.

That’s the devil and erase put together


Yea and we drink Cow Milk and use Sheep Floof as the cloth on our back. We inject Vaccines in to mostly protect us against infection. We eat literal bee honey.

You’d have a point if you were talking about those DNA Idiots that love altering their actual DNA like it’s a Lego Set, but here, Idk bro.

Thats the id trust… riddle me this. Why do they have a flat map logo…the man on the moon reference…look this ancient technology up… the moon reflects earth and u can see the flat earth map

So, if the definition changes slightly, that means their credibility is out the window?

Otherwise idk what exactly you’re intending to show me.

Because…a flat logo is easier to see?

Nope, you didn’t. This is fake news, just like all your other bullshit.


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It’s all in the protocols. Endgame is master/slave race dynamic for humanity.

Miss me with the flat earth bs but yeah, we’re in trouble as a species.

Cause giants are fake

Its an edit video… you quit out before i hit tab.

I have the original vid if u want it.

What does Giants have to do with with the World Health Organization’s Logo?

Actually, don’t answer that.