So ive been researching a ton

God this thread has given me brain damage but much entertainment

If the earth is flat, what’s on the other side?


No this has to do with the massive reset…where did all these tall fuckers go

True off subjects thats another thread

Concrete Jungle 2.

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I mean were in a coded matrix…were not much different than a banana

Back to just the vaccine…heres your luciferase

With all your dna sequence

Just like xfiles…lucy…now enjoy lucifer. Not in a good way

Hell is the absence of god not a physical place. In Yuppers delusional world view that might be what he believes though.

Shit I was born in the wrong side of the coin. Probably got more Pred movies over there too.



Already there, you should join me.

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What do you think my PS handle is? Because I only played a handful of games the other day as FT with some friends. We were matched with noob Preds in all cases and were able to win. Other than that, the last time I played as FT was in a private match with the Melon Men months ago.

But hey, I know you must have done your research, so if you can point me in the direction of the bit where Redacted (my PS handle) is in that video you’ll save me the bother of watching all the way through your shitty video.

For the benefit of the non-morons in the thread, i’ve never played this fucking paranoid lunatic. Would be pretty hard to as I have cross-play off.

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Delusion is your perception of reality. I suggest you start digging into old encyclopedias. 1700s. … lets just say everything your taught in school is a lie

There could be a pc greyback on epic. But my vid is shiity i do admit. Its only 3 min in. But who knows i never post ps4 games

I actually do read old books, no encyclopedia’s that old but I have actually read through my family’s 23 book set from the sixties.
Made good bed time reading when I had no internet.