So sick of the censorship


What kind of a world won’t allow a middle aged man playing a game for children with a racially ambiguous character, paint a harmless swastika on a wall? Too far, disney… too far.

I have to know if that was coincidence or if they actually took the time to patch out anything resembling a penis or swastika

I’ve seen people write REY SUX and that takes way more shots… this is deepstate meddling. Probably the bilderbergs.

Is this like a personal attack?


Yo I just paint swastikas it wasn’t me

I wrote rey sucks, I regret nothing.


Proof? Or it didn’t happen 🧐🤔




Thank you

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Is this the new Garrus thread?




Will saving the game before making the last line and then from finishing it work?

This is a misunderstanding. It is not allowing you to do a lazy version of the swastika. You needed to rotate it 45 degrees to get the tilt necessary to have a true WWII German swastika.


You think it will allow a star of David?

I was watching some enlisted videos. There’s a Berlin level that has Nazi banners hanging from buildings. I think they replaced swastikas with some other symbols. War and killing people is ok, but we can’t allow for the ideology. There’s also a Moscow level, not sure if they have hammer and sickle anywhere

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Whoa there COOL IT SIR you sound like you’re about to commit a thought crime.
Freedom of expression doesn’t mean freedom of expression.

japan still has nazis in its media they’ll probably be the last bastion for western media to try to destroy. Only one unified globally approved culture is allowed to exist. Monopolization of perception.

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Lol. My curiosity gets the best of me. Good thing I’m posting this in a sensible forum where i won’t get burned for it.

For a longest time I’ve been of an opinion that the time for culture has passed and social media is uniting us more and more under one banner. We just need to take the best parts of global culture and all get on the same page.
There is division on social media, but the number of options had decreased. It’s usually A or B or fak everyone.

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There’s a difference between being united and being forced. Social media isn’t uniting us by censoring and silencing people, it’s causing a massive division. Front page of Reddit is always a prime example of how dangerous herd mentality is… and how fucking stupid the majority of people can be as long as they’re a part of the collective.


I partially agree. I think social media limits the number of options. In a short run that does make two distinctive camps, but i think eventually a common will form.

Front page of Reddit is artificial. Most of the responses you see there aren’t even from real people or they’re from people paid to post a response.

Compare the comments you see on Reddit to the comments you see on Youtube. You will see a big difference.

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