So sick of the censorship

I dont think it can with the way social media is regulated. It’s gotten to the point of influencing politics and the Alex Jones rants are less of a meme now lol things are getting slightly dystopian.

The only way to speak truth was through video games. And now this. I’m sounding the alarms man, it’s game over, 1984, roswell, Kent state, the Bearenstein bears, the swastika, its all connected

Perhaps this will lead to some central regulation. Too much false information is being spread. I don’t think that getting rid if all censorship is better good solution.

Of course some things need to be censored, but it’s not the things that should be that are being censored. Like shit you got kids seeing more smut and porn than ever but oh gosh don’t say nigger lmao


Agreed. That’s why social media should platforms should be regulated by a central body. It could smell of 1984, but at some point we have to trust the gov to do so.

When the govt starts operating honestly and for the benefit of its people, they can be trusted. Right now they’re trying to dull my edge, using their fuckin computer magic and taking out my artwork. Societal collapse imminent. People can only be pushed so far.

I grant this madlad a n-word pass mods.

Seriously though if its supposed to be a platform for open discussion nothing should be censored unless you’re not tributing to the discussion.
whats the point of discussion if I cant say hitler was right?
why are flags being censored?

Erasing everything “problematic” is intolerant.


Exactly. You can’t stop arguments from happening otherwise no ones gonna learn anything. Which I guess is ironic considering the level of control people are under all over the world. Just can’t talk about it, so I guess it’s not happening.

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It does matter what people learn. Bright now plenty of people are in their bubbles not willing to learn anything out of the confort zone. There would be a censorship on certain content.

Though, even if the content is unambiguous, there’s still a matter of perspective. I think i either heard it here on from one of the video on YouTube about how Germany approaches WWII history in school. I think they clearly say that Hitler was wrong and don’t try to soften the blow. Perhaps an argument could be made that he was trying to do good things for Germany which was not doing so well after WWI, but chose the wrong way to go about it.

I think perspective is a lot if history. Justifying questionable action because intent was good. You get away with it if you’re a winner of history, but perspectives might differ.

Nah, that argument cannot be made in Germany, its actually illegal lol. People have been jailed for it. Count Dankula in the UK was jailed for teaching his pug to do the roman salute, which should note the reach of this zero tolerance policy regarding that topic.

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He maybe lost his girlfriends job and all his money at the time , but he didn’t get jailed , he was close to it

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One thing I always found interesting, the book burnings ? You hear all sorts but I read that alot of what was being burned was pornography? Porn is a real weapon used to destabilise and corrupt minds .

Sounds far fetched? Just look at the industry today , the Jewish pretty much own every big distribution company even though they make up a small percentage of the population in L.A?

Does that mean people should be rounded up and wiped out? No , but I’m certain I once read that the curriculum for the schools? Is actually formed from big business 🤔

Refuse to buy the covid bullshit? = bad
Use literal nazis to form NASA? = good
Make a joke and get jailed? = good
Refuse a disapproved jab? = bad
Virtue signal while filming a movie in a modern day concentration camp? = good

2020 and 2021 should open your eyes and all the other bullshit being used to destabilise and reshape culture and social foundations? Its never been so obvious.

If they really cared about health would they sell tobacco, alcohol, make billions from deadly addiction with prescription drugs? Hypocrites of the highest degree .

Media is owned by something like a handful of people and its obvious the media lie , why do you think they want to basically wipe out independent media? With the Internet they lost their grip on controlling the narrative and its proven time and time again . You shouldn’t really use social media .

the jabs and covid passports weren’t brought in for covid , covid was brought in for the jabs and passports .


Porn is also entirely owned by jews and Israelis. Every single site, every major studio. Just a coincidence.

It is kind of ironic when you find out the Germans weren’t burning academic or history books, that was our tankie buddies who hated smart people, and we helped them take berlin so they could rape women and children in the middle of the street in broad daylight.

Just goes to show the powers that be don’t want certain discussions happening or people might start noticing things.

I mean shit can you imagine not being able to learn about Vlad Tepes, and all you had to go on was Dracula? You’d never know he was an epic war hero that took his country back by any means necessary. Since we’re on the topic of stinky nazis, turns out Dracula was inspired by Bram Stokers friend, a Jewish writer who greatly favored the ottoman empire… dun dun DUUUUUUUUUNNNN lmao

See how funny things are when you look into them?! I wasn’t even trying to connect the two but wanted to check out ‘what’ exactly inspired Bram Stoker to turn a hero into a villain. Go figure.


Still, this is less about nazis jews or Dracula, more about open discussion and exactly how far the censorship goes. The swastikas just a tool to see what’s safe lol ultimate irony. Especially given the covid business yeah. Last year trump said hydroxawhatever had potential, so of course its 100% false and got censored when people spoke about it. Now that the right guy is in, we can have our medicine back. Shits dark, people are dying and it’s all just for control.

Yeah , what I said above wasnt the center point , its about how as a whole there is always a narrative being controlled .

Do as I say and not do as I do .

oy VEY

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Ohhh fuck we got another player to play SWBF2 with! Ohh fuck the Forum invasion will dominate lobbies

Didn’t the prohibition fail miserably? I feel tabacco and booze are here to stay. They raised the prices and it didn’t help either.

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Didn’t think about a transition happening that way. I guess it would not happen just because it would be argued to be for the greater good. You have to destroy the old ways before a new foundation can be made.

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So one thing is clear is that censorship = control. At least in terms of USA, I’m having a hard time believing that the counties stability depends solely on which admin is in power and the cooperation in Congress, even though by recent events it seems that way. I think it would be to risky not to have a central body that operates in emergency situations. But maybe that’s just the recent events that lead me to think how fragile this system of gov is.

So there has always been a kind of censorship but seemingly much less in the past since access to information just wasn’t there (no internet). I feel like it was in place to ensure more societal stability, as you see what access to information and many ‘truth’ can lead to. In some respect i think it was good for that time period, but things are more tricky now. Now, no to censorship and yes to censorship can both be destibilizing, so what’s the solution?

I also though about the Epstein and the whole pedophilia ring. I feel like the gov knew it was going on, as lots of other crimes that rich prople commit. Theres always a trail when munny is involved. I feel like they let things go if it’s not in the open enough, but once it is, the rich folks have to face the same reality as the rest of us. They let rich folks do whatever to an extent cause thete aren’t too msny of them and they dont propagate the said behavior to the masses. On the other hand, the masses are more or less the same and actions by them can spread like wildfire so gov has to police them more rigorously.

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Nobody sees it as a problem until they do , I have smoked in the past but I can safely say if I got lung cancer I would feel differently.

These things are addictive and people always want what they are told they aren’t getting 😁 , its like when they said for years that smoking was actually good for you 😄 and then someone blee the whistle that it wasn’t and that they actually were adding addictive chemicals.

Follow the $$$$$$$$$$

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