So sick of the censorship

This is what happens when your belief on “censorship” doesn’t line up with theirs 😁


I respectfully disagree, mate . In that scenario they find a patsy who ends up six feet under and business resumes as normal , there is a difference in facing justice , and facing justice only because you are further down the ranks and get used to divert

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These things are addictive and they make the lives of people superficially rich in some way. Cancer sucks, but people want to live now and worry about other sheet later. Yeah, there’s lots of regret when a person actually gets cancer, but there’s no way to meld the two mindsets into the youdths. Skin cancer is the most prevalent one, though except for melanoma the other’s are rarely fatal. Still people don’t always use sunscreen or proper coverings.

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Agreed. I was more making a point my that rich bad behaviors are tolerated much more because they won’t destabilize the society as much as bad behaviors by the masses

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They are tolerated because they are all in the same club , but I get your point .

If it’s an apparent suicide, is it safe to assume that a professian was involved and the message to the rest of the media is that even a year after you won’t be safe?

I don’t think it’s a good approach to see living the problem. Do a better job at holding secret meetings. With the amount of information that is being circulated, this death will just become a statistic and other reporters will keep doing their job.

I think the clinton body count is well over 50 now 😁 , that people know of

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I didn’t know about it, but the reports still keep doing their job

Are they all apparent suicides?

Some are “accidents”


Figures. I haven’t considered it. That’s a staggering number. I lived in ukraine for a bit a few years back and it was a huge uproar about one journalist’s accident for years. Here its 50 and counting. Criminal law is probably thinking of a new way to classify these. ‘civilian death in the line оf duty’

If you consider 5 shotgun blasts to the chest as suicide 😁 , one was 2 gunshots to the back of the head and one poor asshole was put into a suitcase and left in a running bath. All ruled as suicide 😄

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Even the intergalactic Tarzan is more humane with his prey. The suitcase ‘suicide’ sounds like something the mob would do

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Gov 100% knows what’s going on and is, of their own accord, involved with child/human trafficking and the pedo market. - this is a heavily redacted admission of our govt basically helping create and protect a satanic pedo trafficking ring. At one point they had an entire school under their control and had tunnels built underneath where children were transported. I’ve never met anyone who knew prior to my informing them… yet here it is, and we act like it isn’t happening cuz honestly we need to drop the illusion of the life we have conditioned for us to confront the hell we actually inhabit.

Yeah, it’s easier today to find the truth but we’re at a point of willful ignorance, no one wants to leave the comfort of the lies. It’s really too dark for most people to approach. Acknowledging the true world markets and politics, who’s in control and what’s been going on the past… 2000 years? is a dive you don’t really come back from. You start picking things up that go over everyone’s head and look like a jackass when you say ‘hey that’s kinda fucked up’. The level of control we’re under is so deep that when anyone of note remotely touches the subject, theyre executed/assassinated. (apologies for the music, couldn’t find this clip anywhere)

JFK made it clear to the entire nation that we had been taken over from within, that we’re being lied to and manipulated by a network of people in all facets of the world. Then he done got hisself shot in the dome piece. In front of everyone. Televised… that topic never came up again lol


It’d be nice to have a team of non-retarded individuals in hvv lol

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Thanks for the info. It’s good to be enlightened. So all that regular people can do is spread the information and hopefully a movement will form to go against this, right?
Cause i don’t know what to do with this information otherwise.

E3 is currently streaming a diversity and inclusion HR board meeting instead of videogames right now, but just remember there is no agenda.

Everything happening to the western entertainment industry right now is perfectly organic.


You would have to look past ur hate for me tho

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Movements with any merit are either stomped or infiltrated. Or flat out controlled opposition existing as a honeypot (Q/Jan6th) essentially to further public support for control.

All you can do is paint swastikas in jabbas palace.

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I have no hate for you

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Holy shit you weren’t kidding… not even surprised lmao