So who’s gonna be the lucky winner for these?

So ngl the PS5 one is pretty sick. I might just enter for that.

(Yes I am aware its a simple glitter paint mod with colored buttons and a sticker for the wristcomp. Its still kinda cool)


Wonder if they’ll open to international or just keep it as USA like all past giveaways


God fucking damn it why does the PS5 controller actually have to look good.

Why don’t they just sell these things instead? Giveaways are so cheesy. I can also guarantee they’ll only ship them to you if you’re in the US or some shit knowing my luck

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Gotta agree, kinda feel bad for the Xbox players because the PS5 one just has a better design.


Looks cheap as fuck

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That’s one ugly motherfucker…

Illfonic could make some decent bank with them if they did sell them. They would be over $100 though, since PS5 controllers are already like $70. So not really worth it imo but I know many would pony up for it.

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That’s true, I didn’t think about that.

Plus they will eventually just get stick drift at some point anyway like any other controller so it ain’t really worth it.

Knowing Illfonic, it’s gonna be US only.
Few years ago there was a giveaway where they were gifting signed posters by Arnold, US only 'cause sending a piece of paper outside US is above their IQ.

i genuinely want one of those

i’m surprised illfonic isn’t selling them instead

Ahhh so it is a regular thing with ps controllers. When mune did that thought it was a bad control or dirty or somethin. Didnt sony get a lawsuit for the ps3 or ps4 controllers doing that forcing ppl to keep buyin controllers?

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I didn’t know anything about some kind of lawsuit, but honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if Sony were deliberately making them shitty so people are forced to go buy a new controller.

Theoretically you could just buy replacement sticks & swap them out for the old ones but personally I can’t even begin to see how you’re supposed to take a PS5 controller apart without breaking it. The PS4 controllers had screws that you could carefully remove with a screwdriver, but the PS5 controllers don’t have anything like that at all.

Very possible because sony made a controller where you can swap the sticks by sliding em in everytime they go bad and have stick sensitivity settings. The control goes for 200+ last i check so does seem like a scheme. The lawsuit was with the ps4 or ps3 and it was about the stick drift and i wanna say i think sony lost and they used better stick mechanics from then on (for that particular system) i looked into it a lil and they use a system that goes bad after i think a million or few million flicks. Some have said the remedy was a laser stick sensor. Prolly over simplifying it cus this is not my field of expertise

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Let’s get 'em, boys

I entered for the PS5 one on all socials, cuz ngl I like it a lot. I think the black should have been more matte and the buttons a more darker, bloodier red, but overall its pretty cool.

Why the fuck is the Xbox controller so glossy!?..did diddy have a good time with it? 😂

Sighs in UK residency

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Apparently so lol. I wonder if giving these a quick coat of clear matte spray would damage them too much

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We could always send it to you by owl, or whatever you guys use for mail.


Is that a Harry Potter reference?

You bastard…