Some clarifications for FairYautja (with video)

I’m gaslighting?

You should watch some of these “top preds” shooting themselves on the feet with plasma, or arrows flying everywhere because of the quick shot macros they use.

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Well yeah salt exist on every platform but these players are claiming to be the best. So the best should be used to this and just let it roll off their shoulders, but to continue to actively attack a fellow player every few days cause something he has said or has on their channel is childish and shows that these Top Tier players are snowflakes and snowflakes only get one thing and thats heat


You’re not special.
I’ve shot off mask 2 minutes into the game,
I’ve been accused of aim botting on console since my mw3 days.

So if anyone knows all about ppl calling hacks too easily it’s me.

More impressive When its console so suck it pc peasant :D.
Now imagine me with a mouse. :3

Seriously though, a lot of pc players get too offended being called cheater.
I always Just laughed it off.

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Ohhh I know. I comment on their streams like wtf your doing yourself more damage than the ft is dealing you. The jump caster preds exist in ps too and they tend fail against any squad that is in communication

Its like damn bro at least try to aim lol…

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Yeah man! Your gonna make me download fortnite so I can add you so we can make you a true melon man lol!

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Hey I’ve shot myself with the pc cause the reticule said I had a clear shot but nope!
It was a lie lmao.

I’ve also had my pc blast fly off to the side for NO reason xD.


I did have my suspicions about you from the start 🤔

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On accident, I understand shit happens, but you know what I’m talking about 🤐


Someone said you can also add through rocket league , no idea if you can though

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Ya I dont trust Fire either.
Or you.

Who are you?


That works too. Its smaller than forgay. Lol I just wanna have fun with pc players and show them my infinity spot build lol

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“The call came from inside the house!” . 🤣

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I’m thinking Escape from Tarkov will be my next game. Still debating on it.


I play with a couple of pc players , I was in their party one night and dan from the forum was in it aswell

Bitch please I got reported as a “hacker” for using the spoon feeding mode that’s known as target isolation.

Lol I had the same thing happen when using the wrist launcher up close, the damn thing shot the projectile completely perpendicular to where I was aiming.


Its meant to be good , its also meant to be littered with hacks though


You are another suspicious one 🤨


I think you’re using the wrong word. You say suspicious but I think you mean degenerate