Some clarifications for FairYautja (with video)

“The game is not developed properly by developers” as they hoped everyone else would play like them but that is false…

from my calculations i was able to find 7 abusing techniques so far from all the patches they have done… before it was around 11 ways… but the main point is they still haven’t fixed the main game breaking abuse which is that anyone can remember the mission objectives and according to the objectives u have given by each match u find against predator ur able to mud up and one guy will go and prepare the mission area after 3 of them are baiting the predator on the first area…

This can also be countered if the player who plays predator can go out of its limits to remember every objective to… in this case hybrid predator fireteam player is the winner here… as u can acquire knowledge of both sides

But again.

Why do we need to BLAST people, and defend ourselves, if we are so honorable and play the game properly?

Doesn’t warrant the original post of dropping names and showcasing another players decisions. Let him report you.

If yall haven’t cheated, that’s up to Illfonic to decide.

This post reaction is questionable.

Just seems petty tbh.

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I would say a macro would be useful for the first semi auto sniper essentially making it a fully auto sniper. q4 making it a super accurate lazer beam assault rifle in single fire mode. Those are just a few examples what macro can also be used for.

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I just can’t with the amount of defending and attempting to dig themselves out of the hole they dug themselves in.

Now they gotta live with this for the games life cycle lol.

If I were them, I’d keep playing and keep quiet if illfonic hasn’t banned them.

Seems super sus at this point with all of these “born again” PC folk xD



Their lifecycle is already over. I was watching a pc Twitch streamer and they waited 5 mins for a ft match I was like wtf

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I felt the need to answer because many think we are cheaters, when in reality it is just about coordination and experience


You have more pc folks trying to stir the pot than do what you attempted to do.

Which warrants the reactions you’re receiving.

You have a ton of ppl and folks that would rather stir up drama instead of truly proving if they are good or not.

Morally, confusing. (Hey you tried to be nice from what I’ve seen)

Again, if someone called you a cheater, it’s up to the ppl who run the game.

If you’re still in the game and playing, you should feel justified enough. (No need to drop other people’s names, no need of stalking twitch feeds)

The numerous PC folks attempting to turn around all the bs that has gone down in the past year, instead of trying to just be genuine good ppl is laughable.

It’s honestly very odd as well once a single assumed team or pc player is labeled hacker, it’s like the whole discord knows LUL

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Coordination and Experience are fine. What bothers most ps players is when watching pc streams they do very unnatural things. (Not talking about the instant turn arounds or cat like reflexes)

Its more like watching level 150 players play with the q4 or the first sniper rifle and shoot 15 bullets in a single second.

I haven’t seen it recently but I have seen it.

This game has gotten so easy to win as FT that I have stopped playing as often, I’m sure my friends have noticed it. I even started going suicidal tracking and chasing preds alone to have some fun. I even started using the 10X scope again and aiming for the mask to challenge myself at a higher level, and guess what, too many preds were losing their masks early in the match.

It doesn’t matter how good the pred is, FT will always find a way to counter their strategy. When I got tired of losing to the trapper preds, I came up with a Dante build to counter it, it worked very effectively. The tracker perk on recon is still one of the best perks you can use. I even stopped using bane because I rather spend those 6 points on something more effective against top preds.

It took me months to become one pred killing machine, just like the majority of my friends here, they are exceptional players. But I’m sure if there is no new content soon, they will too stop playing as often. The best part isn’t the actual game, it’s us spending time together talking and laughing while we play.

…and as far as cheats or whatever. I have confessed my sins lol. The only macro I currently use is to get out the net, because I think it’s a bullshit broken game mechanic specially when I’m the lms. There is no honor in this game. All the so called top preds use quick shot macros (there are plenty of vids of them doing it) and all sort of exploits (regeneration of the mask is one), so fuck it! It is what it is. You can keep thinking that we are the bad guys, when it’s actually some pc pred players who rely on all kinds of “cheats” to win against good ft players.

But whatever, people will always talk and accuse us of being cheaters. I take it as a compliment.

i mean, people like me, for example psycho scarface riktig vargaresa mojo will just take this as compliment. Being called as cheater means that you can do what people dont expect and what seems impossible to do. Because they are too good.
Like wtf.




So why do certain players that have been mentioned like to gaslight the issue and make it worse than it already is?

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What do you mean by gaslight?
Sorry I’m no native speaker.

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I’ve only beaten them once or twice and the rest is flying round the map trying not to die lol but yeah it’s a good version of playing a game on max difficulty lol

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Speaking for myself, I like to troll some times. But all bs aside, I’ve become friends with people I had beef with in the past. You gotta learn to let things go at some point. That’s why I’m not afraid or ashamed of telling you guys my truth about what I do or don’t do, either take it or leave it.

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So gaslighting is actively making the issue their fault and not providing evidence or attacking the accuser and making the issue seem worse than it really is.

I wish more could be like you. It varies day to day sometimes players are actively trying to defend themselves other times they take it to the extreme

Assumptions? Anything i say is referencing to admission 😄 on the forum . Nowhere near assuming

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These are both forms of gaslighting. Yall are just trying to pick fights for no apparent reason!

Its very public knowledge that 2 or 3 months ago a large group of pc players admitted to using macros and lowering there graphics. May it been a joke or not its gonna be used to start fights now!

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You also have to consider the fact that since we’re on PC, that alone can trigger some salty players to accuse us of using cheats. Some feel the need to defend themselves, some don’t.

It can be pretty exhausting 😴