Some clarifications for FairYautja (with video)



That’s exactly the Problem here!

One part of the players are trolling and joking about using macros and low graphics to trigger others(mainly Fairy Yautja) to make fools of themselves, while the other part of players are sitting there, shaking their head and trying to reason that this stuff is idiotic, because using such stuff only gives you disadvantages.
You will either lose your credibility as a player (like Jelou) or your Account(like Fantasma did for a while). (and getting people banned in this game is pretty easy if you know how)
Mojo’s comment, telling that someone uses something in privates is a nice example for that.
There is practically no value behind it, it’s most likely to troll and trigger people.
And it worked like a charm.
Even if somebody would cheat on a regular basis in privates, what would be the point of telling people openly?
To feed such stupid discussions, and give people reasons to make fools of themselves, that you can later laugh about in your discord.

It’s the same stupid shit like telling people that lowering your graphics is giving you horrendous advantages that will break the game, while illfonic nerfed it more than half a year ago.
But that crap keeps sticking in people’s heads.

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Why is this topic still going on? why do people hate one another here and argue about something so pointless that has been caused by the dev squad…

The only reason people call people cheaters is cause the devs made it possible u can learn every objective in the game and predict people movements and trajectory.

the hate for one another wont solve this… but focusing all this hate into wanting DEVS to realize what they have done and making devs fix all of this is proper way to go…

Wait , there was a time where fantasma wasn’t fantasma?

So calling him this is pretty disgusting and is very Trollish.

It dosent matter what he says or puts on his channel. I would say 1% of people know who any of yall are anyway. So it shouldnt matter. And plus if players are taking his words at value they would have just said the samething about you regardless.

Now I truly don’t understand how they fixed this since I cant do it myself but what a certain low graphics exploiter player that post here Dosent really look like they fixed it to much. Then pred still appears as a black mass running through the map while cloaked so idk but dont seem fixed to me

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They apparently changed the cloak settings , thats “fixing” the graphics exploit

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Fixed it how? Still appears to be a black mass when @StoagieSteve420 post videos of the pred cloked

Even if you couldn’t see the cloaked pred at a distance, my point to that is you would still see the main branches bend as they move through the trees

On PC? no. Maybe on PS4. You can’t even see traps anymore, let alone the Pred cloaks faster and is completely invisible at certain distances.

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Yeh i can confirm from their twitch stream the cloak now has client side textures to be seen by fireteam… lemme get the pic how it looks… i mean it still does not look as good lmao but ill take it…


it looks more like this than ever before…

this next pics are from their stream



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Okay. Maybe he us posting older videos.

The devs just need to the settings at medium cant go any lower than that

Thats an old pic? Like within the first 2 months of release they put that pic up

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check the post again… yeh ur right this is i think their “cinematic shot” before release i think… might be in engine shot…

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This is how predator looked before

The preds cloak was never 100% invisible anyway , I can see why they would want it to be in this game , but regardless its not really pc players faults . The game has wrinkles that needs ironed out


Remember the outrage when the Devs set the total invisibility to ~40 meters at the end of last year?
That was one of the few points when the devs fixed the low graphics abusing.

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Solution: Avoid PC players as much as possible until sizeable nerfs and adjustments have been made to the game. Hell, avoid the game in general. Why do you think I’m taking a break? I’m tired. Sick of fighting a losing game. That’s not to say I don’t win, but I’d like to have a match in which I win without having to sweat so much I get acne in no man’s land. Illfonic fucked up and refuses to take responsibility. They rely on their FT babies to praise them for their tweaks and empowerment to Fireteam and justify these actions when a bot that played 4 games as Fireteam gets shreked by a good pred whines and complains about it. @Illfonic, those bots you’re catering to? They don’t play anymore! They played a few games, got bored, bitched and moaned, and left. Sold their copies. Why do you think PHG is 10 fucking dollars at Gamestop!? You did this! Not us!


If console had those graphics options you would get much of the same problem anyway. Its just not thought through very well on a pvp level


Yeah and the first players to complain was the pc players.


I could argue the cloak should look like this from melee range and stuff… should deff be transparent all the time except the closer pred gets to you the more fucked up transparency resembles reflections n stuff… to the point where it needs to make the fireteam lose sight on you if u like leap away and run in the bushes n shit…

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