Some clarifications for FairYautja (with video)

I’ll be honest in the last 50 matches ive played as predator i have only been spotted 2 times lmao

what happened did the people forgot they can spot predators?

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Not me. I aim to harass the Preda with my spotting ability

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Precisely what I’m getting at. They’ve claimed themselves that they go through rigorous testing for balancing purposes. If you’ve played the game for more than 200 hours, you’ll see that’s plain old bullshit. Judging from the current status of the game, they test one weapon for one game and write down numbers. Come back tomorrow and do it again. Do it daily for two weeks, maybe less, then finalize the patch. That’s nothing. Team X and I test shit nonstop until we know everything. The players do more testing than the devs, although respectively since we don’t know what the devs know. Even so, Illfonic obviously doesn’t understand the current issues or refuses to acknowledge them. This is causing way too much trouble between players and inciting drama reminiscent of high school!


Some people even don’t spot at all cause spotting makes some preds run away. xD


Once you start moving you will no longer be invisible if you are some 60m away or less, it only works when you’re not moving. In all those pics the pred is upclose and moving so yes, you’ll be able to see his silhouette.

We’ve gone over this so many times, why do we have to explain this to you over and over…?

Wait can u repeat that? Ur now visible againt after 60meters???

When did that happen?

I thought it was at 25m ur visibly cloaked n shit

Nope, above 60m you’re invisible, below 60m you’re visible.

Yes 60 meters is still to far if u ask me… should be lowered to 25meters or 35m…

Im gonna write another topic hold on lmfao… why did nobody tell me they reverted back to this shit system cloak works… hopefully the new update gives us better cloak functions

It was 40m but then ppl complained and they increased it to 60m. It was months ago, not really a recent update to the cloak.

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Thought they reverted it back to 40m lmao no wonder people are complaining about people hacking holy fk xD…

Cause the predator cloak is busted thats why and i assume this guy was cloaked all the time + clicking…

Ill make a topic where a dynamic cloak needs to be added in the game… aka it means the cloak will depend on how fast ur moving and how far away you are… nothing to shabby…

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Some people love the game and feel offended when anyone calls out its fuckery , some people like the game and probably don’t care either way and some hate it , who then get offended when someone defends the game 😁 its a broad spectrum . I have drifted from spot to spot and after 12 months ? Yeah , I’m starting to play better games. You can only be optimistic for so long and from peoples feedback the experiences vary with it . On a scale of things they aren’t much further along than they were at release , they have added a range of things to fireteam while leaving the IP character stuck in the mud

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They reverted it back?
Tbh, I never noticed that, most preds are still nearly completely invisible to me, except for close combat distances.
But that could be due to my low shadows, since I also can’t see traps anymore.
I seriously thought I just adapted to it. I’m so bad. lmao
Seems like the shorter duration until preds are completely cloaked isn’t the only negative side effect of low graphics.

At 60 meters and above 60 meters I can’t see the Pred at all, I can see branches going down, leaves falling, dust going up when they land on the ground, but the actual siluette, I can see it when they move in the range below 60 meters. They are not clear as day, but if you have an eye for details, and if they move, you can see them.

I possibly play more than that a day. Come at me bro, who are you to judge what people invest their time on? GTFOH

Diablo tipo, should I say it in Spanish so you understand?

I dont use it as an insult,
Its more of a category/label in regards to playstyle.

Because at that point, you’re pushing harder than a try hard.

Second, who are you to judge how I classify shit?
Whys your perception more important there buddy?

I dont give a shot anymore who likes, or doesnt like how I talk anymore.

And ft is boring as shit,
So yes, only playing ft for hours on end is lame.

Dont like that?
Idk wtf to tell ya xD.

But it’s cute you coming here like what you think is more important xD.

Seriously though.
It’s a bit mocking, but it’s more a category for me.

Il give you an example of how I use it in my head.

Ok, these guys no life the game so I need to make sure I dont slack on them.

And that’s it.
Not as malicious as it sounds anymore right?

“no lifer” is not an insult… okay pleb, not saying it an as insult ;)

What’s a pleb?

Again, why is your perception the only one that matters here?
Why are you more important?

Fun fact, last year I used to no life this game as well.

I told you, to me it’s a category of playstyle.

Like noob or scrub.
Along those lines.