Now im on a PC and I am decent, i struggle to see the pred when he is still and totally stealth. how is it that some people can see you instantly, even if you have been standing in 1 spot for ages. its like they see something…
Im not saying everyone that does is cheating, i refuse to believe so many people are that bad sports and so lame they cheat. So what is it?
If you are one of those players (usually on PC) how are you spotting the predator so easily when hes already secured a location and is still and totally invisible?
Is there some kind of graphical artifiact that you see?
Are you using the sound and then spamming the E key and hoping for the best?
I can understand when its moving its easy to see and spot. but i dont understand how when iv been sat there a few mins and they all walk past then suddenly one shoots at me.
It must be audio or a visual glitch because i dont think everyone cheats.
Also , are some people putting all their options into the lowest setting and does that remove some foliage making the predator stand out more or something like used to happen in games where you could effectively remove grass while anyone on higher settings cant see through the grass?
If thats the case that needs looking into. even just replacing far bushes with 2d sprites when its on low. it needs to hide the predator the same regardless of what details a person uses. Max detail should look better but not give a disadvantage.