Speed attack for melee

no yeah this is just a thing dude the FT can swipe the predator during the parry stun cause they have such little downtime during the parry and knife swings/ parry costs so little stamina

my biggest advice is literally
don’t ever melee without the netgun guns can kill you in less than 4.5seconds in melee range
and the knife can stop any approach while slicing you up like your made of cheese

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basicly its the first time i really fall on a damn FT with such a sweaty Click christ its almost unreal and have the bad test of cheating in my mouth (the old minecraft days urh…)

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at that point guys we need to make more videos and post them to the bug section for show how broken it is and by doing tho erase that sweaty and ez cancer play, that game is starting to feel too much like evolve rigth now, we need to do something

XD as a pc player who started of in beggining playing as fireteam… i can say that i can literally keep parrying pred and maybe even put him in second wind if its not a breserk… breserk can be taken down if one guy parries and other guy shoots or goes for slashing too

Here is a way that Predators normally win over this case:
Be slightly above eye level aiming downward at FT. Above or below eye level normally is a dead cheat to winning because for some reason the FT never has the right angle and none of the melee attacks work.

I normally die if I am on the staircases or on a sloped hill in a melee vs melee showdown.
–great now i’m giving away the secrets of the PRedator from FT maining. I should get paid for this.

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sadly there isn’t much we can do it’s better for the predator to be weaker than the fireteam as it’s bad incentive if the FT sucks dick which would kill the game through que times

they gotta use a scalpel rather than a hammer to solve this problem
the best way to do it is through more mechanics/ equipment to allow the predator to attempt to circumvent the problem rather than straight reducing the numbers of FT guns/ increasing hp of the predator

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Even with that if you come across a very skilled recon sniper pc player he can move freerly and just 360 you easily lmao while keeping up with pred leap…

Now what i see the fix for this… it would be the actual bullet drop… then right there will people notice difference in like actual PC players struggling… cause then sniper shots are gonna have to be calculated and not just drag and track… and pray can literally juke in the sniper as well now with the bullet drop in game…

Bullet drop will overall balance out the game by like 60%

Someone else gets it!

The point and click sniper tracking man. Wouldnt affect low end play too much either since thats usually mid to close range.

i think you missed the point of the question. original post is about winning in a melee.

just dicovered that the slam reset is still a thing christ…

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I was getting into actually winning the game as pred…

Add bullet drop for fireteam, thats all it needs lmao…

Pred has bullet drop lol…

Yeah if the slam hits an uneven surface itll slide and reset

Yeh thats a thing and you can also spam wrist blades to one shot people it happens randomly like wtf…

2:34 a pro doing it against Dice and is damn FT team.

Ok, on that note i would like bullet drop. More realistic and I would easily predict a predator jumping and where he would land and aim directly below him and pull the trigger at the best time

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It would be fair its honestly nothing too game breaking lmfao… it would help with ft immersion as well… i would love to aim above like AI from a mountain and the bullet drops xD

Perhaps when leaves are not like shooting concrete walls and trees having huge hit boxes that protect the predator. Weapons already become less effective at range.

They buffed trees with this breakable shielding of sorts a few patches ago & allowed preds to shoot through said shield branches otherwise there’s no reason to use trees when they just make you super visible and allow you to be shot from every angle. Seems like they want people to mow down trees with miniguns and such but cant see that waste of bullets happening.

Illfonic supposedly did that nerf 2 updates ago.

“supposedly” i keep playing fireteam now again cause i cba to play pred anymore just feels unsatisfying…

Anyways as a FT player lately i can literally keep parrying with having above half of my HP… and i can safely say i can put him in second wind… and yes NET GUN fks you and you need team on your side… and i dont think net gun should be a MUST weapon or gadget rather… i think net gun should be a fun optional weapon to actually be able to pin players on a wall, tree…