Spotting/Parry Needs to be reworked

Spotting— needs a rework for the obvious reasons. You’re highlited In red marked on the map and can be seen through walls Thats Ridiculous. Spot needs a cool down period, it can be spammed. Like if any FT player lands a spot on predator All FT players are on a spot cool down for a minute or two.

Parrying— is to easy when all you have to do is pull your knife out and spam it. The fact that you can stop the first swing of a predators attack Consistently is ridiculous and Makes melee combat border line useless. You know what makes for skillful use of the parry? If the parry swing prompt came in at random intervals during a predators swing animation. It would be a genuine display Of awareness that will be rewarded.


Git gud

Parrying should require timing. Which it kinda doesn’t.

I don’t think spotting needs a change tho.

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No no no he needs to Git Gud nothing else.

Don’t agree with either change. Spotting is needed when you have mic-less teammates and Parry is needed to stop a Pred from just melee‘ing the whole team in one go.

Use a net gun, try attacking from the side or back, parry only happens at the front.


No no no he needs to just Git Gud

No u

Nah I’ve always thought parry should require timing. It’s too fucking easy atm.

And so I gave him advice to git gud.

Parry already got 3 nerfs, it’s fine where it is.


He needs to advice he just needs to learn and Git Gud if it takes him dieing as the pred 100 times so be it

Any other game parry requires timing, in this one it doesn’t.

It’s too easy to do. We’ve all gotten used to it, but its still stupidly easy lmao.

Disagree with some here.

Generalized spotting (the eye icon that appears) is fine. It tells your team the general direction to look. But the spotting status (predator highlighted and seen through walls etc…) needs to go. Preds already have plenty of give aways. Clicking, elephant stomping, day glow blood spray, etc…

Parrying is also dumb. Always carry an NPC gun and a pred gun. Pred gets close to me, I melt it. That’s what guns do, and makes more sense than parrying a giant sword wielding space freak

When no one knew about parry (because there has never been a fucking FT tutorial) Preds just went in melee rush and wiped everyone in 15 seconds.

No, parry doesn’t need any nerf. Preds need to understand melee is reserved for worthy prey and it is considered an honor to engage in such fights.

Use ranged attacks and all your tactics to isolate a member of the team. Is not that fucking hard. Specially when there’s always one doing the mission, one looking for VT and two trying to hunt you down.

I think it’s dumb that a human can parry a Predator’s melee attack and even stun the Pred… OK, leave the parry, for gaming purposes, that’s good, but just to block the attack not to make the pred look weak; like someone said, some just spam the knife making impossible for Preds to melee and that ain’t fun either… just MY opinion

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**, parry doesn’t need any nerf. Preds need to understand melee is reserved for worthy prey and it is considered an honor to engage in such fights.
[/quote] that’s fucking stupid. I’m sorry, it’s a video game. . strong text

Parry has had 1 real nerf actually. They slightly reduced the stun. But the “stamina nerfs” are literally a nerf only in name. So get this, when you parry, it will drain your stamina, but you don’t NEED stamina to parry. Lol. So you can parry yourself out of stamina, but then just keep parrying. Illfonic has no idea what they are doing hahahah

Again unless you’re playing potatoes who arnt aware of their surroundings that wont work. Using the net gun is like putting a bandage on scratch, it’s only temporary. Being able to completely stop and shut down a pred by spam swinging your knife isn’t balance Clearly*

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Neither is having the Pred able to just stomp the team with melee.

We get rid of Parry and the Pred needs to have about 50% less health, I don’t think you’d want that.

Parry means you can’t just push through everyone, you can still use melee, just can’t be dumb about it. You just want it to be easy as far as I can see.

You can’t just spam your knife either, you have to time it, any lag at all and the Pred hits you though your swing, in my experience anyway.

when a knives deal as much damage as the revolver its ridiculous so yeah Parry need a nerf damage wise and stamina wise because when the parry cost stamina, stabbing does not and its a bit dumb :/