Spotting/Parry Needs to be reworked

yeah but the problem is rigth now what is the predator good about???

FT in general have basicly the potential to be better at everything the pred does

range, they win

Melee, the knives doesnt cost stamina and deal as much damage as a revolver so yeah even better melee

what predator should do them??

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Parry should be in the game, but once you run out stamina…Parrying should cost you something. Either you lose health after every sans stamina subsequent swing or you get knocked back allowing for inevitable. Parrying is designed to keep Predator from killing while your team close yet distracted. Not when you done fucked up and your aim is not on point… or put yourself in position to get got.

Right. Melee is ALMOST necessary for the Pred, as his long range weapons are not as effective as FT’s. You would need to “git really really gud” to use only long range weapons and win matches

Ppl do it tho.
If they can aim well they’ll just use the bow.
Shits annoying lol.

Parrying in a nutshell: While holding your most OP weapon, spam R3 and R2 (especially lethal playing Dutch 87 as you get Hip-fire buff). You’ll block Predators attacks and dump rounds into it during its “What’s that smell?” animation. Simples.

But since I switched to a ranged style, I’ve been beating FTs with shoulder caster shots, bow shots and throwing my combi. Ranged isn’t as bad as initially thought, and safer than up close and meltable.

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  • Health, has roughly 10 times more health than FT
  • Damage per hit, yes the knife is gross but not when gauged against Pred weapons.
  • Maneuverability, yes a FT Scout or Recon has a faster foot speed but they have no access to leap. Which is the ultimate form of travel.
  • Cloak, mudding up is not the equivalent for the next reason…
  • Spot, once a Predator marks you, that’s it you now have a red indicator above your head making 2 FT gear items useless, smoke and thermal decoy‘s.
  • Cover while in trees the branches absorb a ridiculous amount of punishment and you can run across the map with no stamina drain.

Disagree for the reasons above.

I lose lots of ranged fights to Bow and PC, less to the pistol lately. You only have to tag me twice, I need a whole clip from an assault rifle at close range. Snipers are a bit more dangerous at extreme ranges but you don’t have to engage them that way.

The knife is always going to cause a disproportionate amount of damage as it is the only melee weapon we have and it needs to actually be a threat to discourage pushes the same way as Parry can. Without parry or the knife damage a Yautja can just melee anyone they please into the ground.

I still haven’t seen anyone good enough to take a Yautja down using only melee. Even fighting in a door you’ll go down before the Pred will.

I should be asking you that, you killed me and my random’s before we got to our first objective using the PC and Combi (I think you threw it, don’t remember as you killed me with the PC.) We never never made it through the building.

What Pred’s should do is disengage and re-engage. Got parried, pull back and shoot them. Melee push taking to long and your scared of getting flanked, jump a building.

I’m all ears for a good spot/marking suggestion that takes into account random’s with no mic’s but think Parry and Knife damage are needed for balance. You can still do melee and knives hurting you means you fucked up because for the most part, you need a Pred to stand still to do it.

I must watch you through shareplay and see how you’re doing now lol.

And try to distract you xD.

Slasher most of your points are horrible.

You can not, and should not be trying to compare pred hp to ft hp. No shit the pred has more health, it’s a 1v4. This is irrelevant.
You may not be implying it, but you make it sound like you want pred to have the same amount of hp as ft.
Which would be stupid, unless everyone can kill each other in 1 or 2 hits.

Again, you can not, and should not be trying to compare pred damage to ft.
This point is irrelevant as well.

No access to leap?
Dude they’re human why would they have something like that?
Bringing this up makes no sense.

If there was no marking, pred would need a way to be able to track ft.
I’d honestly be down if the heartbeat sensor worked.
To this day I can not understand that thing at all.

And ft can run then slide to keep up the stamina.

The ft has superior range, and better melee, if you take into consideration that parry completely negates melee for the most part.

Right now pred doesn’t Really have anything vastly superior to ft.

He just has higher stats.
But none are really anything special or overwhelming.

Put it this way, if an a.i., like a good a.i. was controlling both pred and ft, the ft would win hands down 100% of the time.

This has been my arguement for the longest but nobody listens.

People focus too much on the player aspect.
And it’s like, well if were looking at that, then most likely the ppl I beat, il beat them in other games too.

And if that happens, do we start nerfing everything I use in every game because I’m doing good?
This is why I dont like focusing on the individual player aspect.

Either way, I dont really care if ppl are willing to hear me out anymore.
I know I’m right.

All I want is for them to give pred more options in a match.
Like I personally belive pred knowing that humans have killed their kind before, would start bring more shit to use.

Like I feel pred should have at least 5 different traps and gear items to use in a match.
Things that the ft cant easily detect.

Specifically what?
I dont know.
But I want more. It’s too basic atm.



Fire, he asked a question and I answered. Are the things I listed not good about the Predator? Are they not all superior to what FT has?

I’m sorry but your dismissal is missing the point, there are things about Predator that exist to balance out Parry. Heightened maneuverability and health, which helps balance the range game, along with trees. Without Parry Pred would need less health so it would even be possible to push them off. That doesn’t work for the range game though.

The devs put a little more thought into the balance than people give them credit for. The only thing I hear at this point is Pred mains not understanding that FT needs to be able to push them off and delay, the push and pull is where the ‘fun’ or tension in the game is. Let yourself be pushed off, reposition take advantage of mistakes. You can see where they are far more easily that they can see you.

PS. I disagree, if we had bots that could play this game like chess AI plays. Predator would win every match, it would be no contest.

Yes please by all means play range so I can easily snipe xD.

Anyway I’m not worried about you slasher, you know I’m never just trying to be an asshole.

But I wish you paid more attention to what i said about if it was a pure a.i. match, the ft would always win.

Like no joke.
The ft has the way easier set up.
Guns are super easy.

But like I said, I’ve given up on trying to get a good balance that would be fair.
So now I’d just like more in match options for pred.

I dont think thats unfair given the sheer destructive dps of the ft.

And honestly if they really wanted to help the ft thru would give them dodging and vaulting.

Tho pred would need it too.

You ever played re 6?
Could you imagine how fun it would be to dodge shit like that on ft?

But if they add that then they would definitely need to lower ft damage.

Anyway I dont think what I’m asking for is unreasonable.

Cause traps, decoys, net, and motion detection detectors are pretty much negligible.

Like sure, I can make it work, a so do a few other preds, but you really don’t need them.

I’d like something that felt impactful for pred.

Something that wasn’t easy to deal with.

We’ll see what they bust out in the new update.
Hopefully something good for pred.

Without Parry Pred would need less health so it would even be possible to push them off. With that one statement your argument isn’t worth shit. Less pred health + No parry does not = balance… Predator atm can already be melted if attempting CQC especially after banes buff. Now you want to nerf his health making Melee more vulnerable!? Stop trolling.

So an a.i. that would not miss cause its ya know… a.i. wouldnt kill pred easily?
Lmao you must not play pred.

I mean hes not really wrong.
If there was no parry I would kill ft with no probs.

So I get where hes coming from. Lol.

I understand but that doesn’t equal balance…FT has faster dps. A FT soldier can shoot faster than a pred swings a melee weapon. You put on the right class build and it’s even faster.

Mind you tho, I dont think pred health should go down at ALL, unless his dps would be higher.

Right now pred dps doesn’t really compare to ft dps.

A single ft can do 1k damage in like…
What 3 seconds?
That’s like 90% pred hp xD.

Which wouldn’t be a prob if it was a 1v1.

Now multiply that by 2, 3, 4 ppl.

It equals DETH.
like UltraDeth.

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You are right it doesn’t equal balance. They are 2 of the things that are tied together by that thing called balance. The ability to push off a Pred is partially determined by the Pred’s health, position of FT teammates and the players confidence in their actions.
(Other things I’m to lazy to consider)

Two situations first a Pred leaps at someone and rushes them, melee ing till their down and claiming, all in front of the team. They get melted.
Second situation, Pred chains melee from one FT member to the next and downs them all before being taken to second wind. Both these things are bound to happen but they should not be the only things that happen.
The devs built a rubber band into the play, a push and a pull or a stretch. It is controlled by the Predator until second wind and then is controlled by the FT.

It’s not even that complicated but if you need me to explain it better I will, just ask.

Spamming the knife in hopes of a parry needs to cost stamina.


I did consider it, I just came to a different conclusion. Let’s say a chess bot was playing a game and had a Queen, which is the equivalent of Pred, the other bot has 4 lesser pieces. The queen wins every match against any 4 pieces you choose.

Now in PHG, let’s say we had equal skill bots competing. It would appear as if the FT bots would win every match but there’s a counter for every tactic. They all group up and move as a unit, they get splash damage. They spread out and the Pred bot changes tactics and picks one off. It stops viewing it as a 4v1 and tries to just win a 1v1, now the match is 3v1, it does it again, now it’s a 2v1 and it’s clearly the winner.
It doesn’t matter if it thirsts the down or camps it and does splash damage. Whatever realistic delay is added on all the bots Pred included, is going to effect the Pred the least as it’s likely the one initiating each engagement. Pred AI would never play the rush game it would take the hind most till there were none left.