Squirrelly Predator Bow & Caster Spammers

If you’re talking about bow-claw, that’s a different one that needs fixing but I havent seen anyone do it in a match in the broken manner.

Only 1 arrow or slash, then the other but it’s not a quick overwhelming assualt like the broken one.

Turn crossplay on

So you’re talking about pred melee, right?

Nope, caster + arrow insta hit or other combinations. All you see is your full 150hp bar go to zero and you’re down in the blink of an eye

Bro, I’m not complaining about preds dps or even plasma damage or whatever melee bug…I’m talking about those very very few pred players who can do magic tricks. That’s all.

This is what we’re talking about you can do this with the bow which allows up to 3 arrows fired instantly

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Scar you’re good right?
I’m asking that seriously not sarcastically.

You said you snipe, how many mask have you easily taken off?
Cause I’m on ps4 and theres been plenty of times I’ve taken mask off hella early in a match.

How many times have you in the blink of an eye shred through a predator?
The specific predator player doesnt matter, cause were focusing on the characters and weapons.

Yes, those down a ft quickly,
But it just matches the same numbers ft can produce.

This is what I dont understand and honestly just bothers me.

Why is it ok for ft to completely shred to pred, and have high number damage in an extremely fast rate, but if pred matches it, then it’s broken?

If it’s broken for one then shouldnt it be broken for 2?

So then does this not show that ft does in fact need a nerf?

Anyway that’s the reason I dont have a problem with it.
Because if you look at the numbers it just matches ft dps.

I’m tired of ft having every advantage.
And those ppl who started doing these cancels were probably tired of it too.

So they found a way to fight back.
You call it lack of skill, but its just matching ft.

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I’m just saying how it is man lol.
I’m just tired of things being so against pred.
Even the players.

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Easily? If they’re standing still, but sniping requires skill and quick reaction. If you’re taking masks off that easy, you must be some sort of abnormal human being with perfect internet connection.

The reason why I stopped using assault rifles is because bullet spamming is fairly easy compared to sniping. That’s why there’s only a handful of great snipers in this game, but a ton of “top tier ft” players who don’t know how to use a sniper riffle.

That’s why I’m not tripping on the plasma spammers, because it’s about the only weapon that’s effective for pred at range.

But my thing is, don’t come up in here (you know who) and self proclaim a badass or “top tier” if you win by means of exploits.

That’s all I’m saying for whatever it’s worth.

Is it like auto fire rate, or the damage of 3 arrows in one?
Cause if I’m honest that sounds really nice for a charged shot.

I’m not the biggest fan of the bow, but I can see this one being a problem kinda, even though, if we add it up I’m sure its just doing the same dps as ft.

I can however, see this being a problem with bunny hoppers.

But vs teams with all feild medics or multiple, using meta builds, I just see this only even out the odds, not turn them completely in preds favor.

I’m after balance.

Like I said though, i dont do any cancels.
I dont know how, and of I did I would probably only use it against assholes or ppl who dont want me to hold back, like I don’t want fts to hold back on me.

Only reason I said easily is cause I’ve done it to ppl who stood still for a 1 and a half seconds, and did it a second time.

I’ve heard you say you’re good at sniping and you snipe has been praised if I’m not mistaken.
Back in my ps3 days when I played a lot of fps, my aim was that of sharpy’s.

Not so much anymore.

I wish tho.
I’d love to snipe preds mid leap lol.
I’ve fallen off tho sadly.

I get where you’re coming from, tho I understand why ppl do it.
Cause I feel the same way about ppl who use unleashed, feild medic, spotter, and dexterous.

They claim they’re good but only win cause of those gimmicks not skill.

Anyway the only reason I’m Even saying anything about this is cause I’ve been tired for months with the severe ft advantage.

But like I Said.
I dont use it.
I dont know how.

If I did I would only use it vs assholess or people who don’t want me to hold back, like I dont want ft to hold back on me and actually try to kill me.

Sometimes less than a second btw.
The sniping I mean.
Not too hard with hitscan lol.

Idk man, when you have a pred that actually moves constantly and goes out of sight, then you won’t land a single shot. It’s these potatoes that get destroyed from a distance. I can upload videos of me melting preds from the roofs on Derailed because they flash their eyes every 2 seconds and move around the branches uncloaked.

…but against a good pred player, that’s when you know if you’re good sniper or not.

Sniping requires skill man, idk why you keep trying to convince people it’s easy. If that was the case, everyone here would be a good sniper. Just like people who say spamming caster requires no skill, if that was the case I would die to every spammer on here. You actually need to know what you’re doing when you’re spamming any weapon. That’s why there is a huge skill gap in this game. I had a pub match yesterday, I did 1600 damage second wind blah blah blah…the other 3 guys had zero damage each. We still lost the match because he netted me twice, he had trapper perk so even with macro to escape faster it gave him 2 seconds each time to fuck me up. Second time I was dead.

Hah get wrecked.

Idk compared to other games, fps is pretty easy.
I wouldn’t call it easy if I didnt find it easy.

And sure it’s hard to hit mobile players, but because its hitscan its really not that hard in general.

What I’m saying is, sure there are players who are hard targets, but aside from them it isnt that hard.
I’ve done some crazy shit when I played a lot of fps before.

But again compared to other genres, it’s easier.

It’s why I believe fps is the most Popular genre.
Cause it’s so easy to get into.

Anyway, some of those cancels I Can see being a problem, but not all.

I just hope pred catches some kind of break this update.
That’s all I want.
And a 2v8 hunt.
Or 3v10/12.

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Lemme ask you this.

This quick fire exploit, what would you say the “effective range” of it is?

Hmmm…“effective range” I would say with good aim and reflexes, maybe 10 to15 meters, but for standing still target like when the ft is interacting with objectives then longer distance of course.

Okay…so 10-15m.
If the FT sticks together and has any awareness, how effective is the Predator in that 10-15m range?

Oh of course, when everyone is working together, but these fools pull some magic tricks on the LMS or when you’re interacting.

I mean, it’s whatever at this point. The thing that upsets me is that these cowards don’t have the balls to admit to the bs they pull even when it’s crystal clear on their own streams. But can’t expect much from them anyway so it is what it is…

Thats all.

Okay…says the guy that uses macros to escape nets…thereby wasting a pred weapon slot and a tactic that actually allows Pred DPS.

You see where I was taking this conversation right? The irony of it and all? I’m really not trying to be a dick but this exploit takes as much skill as being a sniper does and it kinda levels the playing field a little bit

Alright based on your points, using win rate is important in determining balance as by your point high pred win rate means that this exploit/tech (depending on how it goes down) isn’t nessacary.

50% win rate sounds balanced to me. Kind of defeats your point that win rate matters or your point that the exploit is broken.

Also win rate isn’t a good example because of noobs so I don’t care that you win the majority of your matches in a game with no SBMM.

And to use the capabilities of each side, a single FT member can out DPS a Pred

Mobility doesn’t matter because you lose that when you aim down sights

And cloak is easy to track do to all the clicking

No but the other three members can react

And you can react to the preds clicking

And you can react after getting revived with FM

Your working as a team, your team should cover you back including retaliating and reviving you.

You could say that in order to avoid bunny hopping players, the devs could implement a mini cool down for leaps and Fireteam jumping. Of about 2-3 seconds?

I bumped into this problem and discussed it over reddit as well with few. Bunny hopping should be fixed for both Fireteam members and the Hunter.