Squirrelly Predator Bow & Caster Spammers

No sir, by me asking him a question I’m not denying anything I’ve done. Macros are not hacks.

Maybe you’re trying to make me out to be something I’m not. So to make it clear for the millionth time, I’ve used rapid fire macros on two pistols and one to escape the net faster. I’ve experimented with other macros in my own private matches but never used them against anyone. So, I don’t know if your goal is to make me out to be some kind of super cheater but I’m far from that.

…at the moment the only macro I use is to escape the net faster, thats it!

Used with the same intent.
Going under the map is cheating, so low graphics isnt really a good example.

As low graphics was used as an exploit to ser pred easier.
Sure a few ppl used it so their PC’s wouldnt explode, but a lot were using it to make it easier to see pred.

I’m not trying to make you seem like anything, honestly it wasn’t a dig at you.

My whole thing is, I don’t get why any pc player gets defensive when anyone says pc players cheat.

Likes yes.
And the sky is blue.
So do console players, its just a bit more rare cause its harder on console unless you know how.

Or know who to buy it off of?

Like amount of ppl selling hacked accounts on ps4 for gta 5 is pretty high.
A lot of them are scams but not all.

You get where I’m coming from?

Anyway that’s the only reason I said anything.
Cause i dont get the point in anyone acting like it doesnt exist.

And maybe the pred players do too, but I have a very hard time calling animation cancels cheating.

Unless it was like idk.
To make pred melee like virgil’s attacks from dmc.
That would be fucked.

Anyway my bad if it seemed like I was coming at you specifically or something.
I wasnt.

So you don’t think double or triple insta hits is cheating?

It amazes me how a ft player who uses a rapid fire macro is automatically deemed a cheating pos, but a pred player who uses all kinds of exploits and also macros is seen as just trying to balance the game.

Hypocrisy much!?

tbf FT can do this too

How can ft do this?

you’ve probably done it too i’ve only ever seen PC players do it
prolly cause PS players don’t know

now if your exclusively refering to ranged attacks than well they can do that too they just don’t have to abuse anything besides a sniper rifle and teamwork

Ok, double or triple knife hit. Cool, so it’s cheating for the pred too, is that what you’re saying?


any unreactable damage needs to be removed as there is very little a player can do to not get hit and die just like 1 hit casters in the early days of this game and the double slam

double/triple hits are in the same vain

My point exactly, it’s ok for pred players to do all kinds of cheats and exploits but for ft you call sniping an exploit now? Wow…lol I’m done arguing about this.

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right right i forget sometimes you can’t use humor through text obv i don’t think sniper rifles are cheating though it can be oppressive

as i’ve never made a post in the past refering to it as such post cloak buff

Ok exactly what hypocrisy on my side if I dont use any of this?

I’m not talking about macros I’m talking about cancels, when it comes to preds.

I hope your not as upset as you seem cause in case you cant tell I’m really not trying to piss you off or start shit.

But from what I’ve seen.
If it’s not done with macros like Dexter, all it does is match ft dps.

Right now anyone who’s actually paying attention and good at the game knows ft has way too much of an advantage.

So if pred can match ft dps, why is that wrong?
Are you of the belief that ft should automatically win and hold the advantage Simply cause its 4 ppl?
Cause if so that’s where the problem starts.

It sure as fuck isnt as bad double slam.
So no it’s not in the same vain.
Literally all it does Is make pred dps match ft dps.

Or are you just fully in fts favor now a days?

Pred should have Acess to caster at anytime anyway.

This gets removed it wont bother me.
I dont use it
So I lose nothing.

But its crazy How something that all it does is put pred dps on par with ft dps is considered a war crime Lmao.

Theres never going to be any balance lol.
Its pretty pathetic.
Everyone favors ft.

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Never Mind the fact that if that Pred stands still for longer than about 3-4 seconds, that he can be melted into second wind by a single FTM, using half of the weapons available to them un-upgraded…they can also keep him spotted nigh constantly, can revive fallen members almost instantly, and can finish the mission in less than 5 min on 3-4 maps.
The Bow and Shoulder Plasma Caster are the only 2 actually viable ranged weapons the Predator has and his/her maneuverability is the only thing that gives Predators any advantage over FT seeing as how the Cloak was reverted back to shit and is also basically useless considering the FT can hear and determine exactly where you are thanks to the Click Click Bloody Click…by all means lets make the Predator have even weaker DPS and be an even easier target to hit so all FTs don’t have to try as hard…


No I’m in favor of not having unreactible sources of dmg

Here is a thought experiment would you be ok with predator being able to just click a button and as long as a ft member in his do FOV they just take 280dmg instantly?

No of course not I wasn’t ok when you could double slam it isn’t ok when ft can quad knife strike you right now and it’s not ok when a predator can fire up to 3 arrows at once dealing 184 unreactible damage that downs everyone but the tankiest dutch and Dante builds

I am even against cooking grenades cause a cooked grenade is unreactible

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It’s not the same as double slam.
It matches ft dps.
If you cant see that I don’t know what to tell ya man.

Im not asking for illfonic to make it a thing, tho pred does need more group focused Dps and cc.

But I’m tired of ppl not seeing things as they actually are.
All it does is match ft dps.

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How so?

Nothing a ft can do will insta down a pred.

…and I’m in favor of good players winning. If 99% of pred players suck or are not at a level that will match mine, they should lose miserably. Now, for those 1% of exceptionally great pred players, they should win because they know how to kick ass and not because they know how to use exploits.

2-3 seconds is instant.
So let’s time it.

Throwing a combi and shooting a pc blast can down a ft in that amount of time.
Without the cancel, even with fast hands, its never happening.

So its matching the time it takes to sw a pred.
So therefore matching ft dps.

Also, while there are a lot of bad players on both sides, theres quite a few who don’t lose simply cause they suck, but because how unbalanced and stacked everything is against pred.

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By that logic using the bow is inherently broken and unreactable. (since firing three arrows at once mechanically is the same as firing a single arrow beyond the activation)

And by extension since guns don’t even have projectiles and are instead hitscan that react immediately then guns are broken and are expoits.

There’s four FT versus one pred of course it doesn’t match up one to one on paper.

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