Stat/Perk Points Conversation

I’d like to talk about a few things in regards to this.

  • Dutch 2025, total points 11 and a bit extra health and gear.
    2 and a bit gear points give you 8 points.
    9 perk points
  • Assault, total points 12
    3 gear points nets you 10 points of gear
    9 perk points
  • Recon, total points 10 and bit extra stamina and gear.
    1 and a bit gear gives 8 points (this seems odd)
    15 perk points (?)
  • Scout, total points 10
    1 point of gear converts to 5 gear points.
    12 perk points
  • Support, total points 12
    4 gear points converts to 15 points of gear
    6 perk points

Gear points don’t seem to have a stable conversion rate. Perks even less so. I’d like if they had reliable x3 conversions. As it could also be used for perks.

Each class can be built around fifteen points. So assault is already balanced other than I bonus point to spend on gear.
Support actually swaps 3 perk points for three extra gear. So they balance to, importantly this suits the class.
Recon has to much gear or perks one or the other.
Scout is underpowered because swapping 3 perk points for 2 extra gear still leaves you short, and those gear points don’t add utility that perks could.

I think it could be balanced the above way but to make up for lack of health or gear extra perk slots could be introduced. As suits less tanky classes. For each three perk points you have to spend above nine you gain a Perk slot beyond the standard three.
Using a scout as an example they may only have 3 gear points but they would have 15 perk points and five slots.

  • Field Syrette’s, should have there weight reduced to 3 as a further stream lining measure.

I think balancing around 15 total points for stats will make it easier to introduce new classes later. Class skills will also need further balancing, they should make weaker classes more appealing to play and not drive players to play the meta.

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