Still holding out hope for a Harrigan Fireteam DLC...

Yeah I get that’s what they were going for, but I wanted to cannonise the character so that’s why I keep referring to him as Dutch’s nephew named after him.
If we were to ever get this Dutch again I’m pretty sure the company would also go down that route.

I also watched that Screw attack episode from back then

And I’m just saying it’s Dutch Canonically but not in this game but I want it because it’s Dutch, I really dunno if he’s from the future but if they add another Dutch I’m willing to get his brother

To that arcade game and only to that arcade game, because he’s not cannon anymore
But again I’m trying to make it easier for him to become Cannon

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But it doesn’t make sense because the cyborg part is a reference to him also being Terminator, might as well say he’s a clone then since that’s another reference of him in a movie about clones why not make that canon then huh 😳

In my head canon the T-800 was modeled after Dutch

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It doesn’t matter if Disney owns all three. AvP, Predator and Alien are three different licenses, three different revenue streams. When you pay for the Thor license, you don’t get the Avengers.

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I guess we’ll see

Yeah but 20th century has finally say not Sony
Sony just bought the exclusivity deal, then Epic payed Sony to also get in on the Predator action
So if 20th Century wants AVP or Alien content then this game will get that content

Actually it was this guy lol

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I like Terminator 3

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Me to except now it’s not canon so it’s T1-2 and dark fate…sad 😞

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