Stop being toxic

Wish Dead Dozen hadn’t just disappeared into the void. It looked fun.

LOL well if not watching anime means im not allowed to be a man guess i wasnt cut out for being a man.

you know i thought paying your bills on time owning your home having a girl friend ( witch shes so awesome, never met a Girl befor in my life thats ok with Threesomes form time to time ;) you best be knowing i be banging ) and standing up for what you believe made you a man

but i guess you just need to not watch anime…

so all you 10 year olds that sit at home playing Video games in your moms Basement as long as you dont watch anime YOUR A MAN. even if your a women your a man now

Yuppers for president 2020

dude, you have no idea.

Love your state pf denial… having threesomes with your intermost th thoughts. LOL …



lol? you think im lieing about having a Girl friend? really? lol thats fucking cute. you wish im lying about it.

For sure… who even brings that up… only a weeb with security issues. I dont care either waykeyboard warrior

Its ok if one girl gave you a chance… long as she a weeaboo… keep those gentics out of the human race

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or you know a guy proving a point.

i get the feeling your like what? 15? you got Made fun of for liking a tv show or a youtuber and you think because of it that anyone that likes something you dont makes them virgins? lol?

dude i think that if you have never been laid in your life you shouldnt be calling other people for never being laid in their life. right? commen sense

You getting mad… your redirecting your virginity. Your a sad little boy

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Did i prick your weeb ass heart. Gtfo you wee

Redirect your virginity on me lol… ahaaaaa you have threesomes with cartoons in your mind. 1 girl liked you, its your mom, basement bitch. I bet your dad hates you.

Nope im having fun with this. so is Michaela, by the way.

why is everything about sex with you? like i know damm you must really want it but calm down man use a dating app or somethin man damm

not sad im enjoying my self very well atm

im 6 foot 1 so i would agrue thats not small

and like i said befor i think im a man as i own every thing in my house, can you say the same?

i bet your house isnt even YOUR house you feel me?

Congrats nice made up girlfriend. Hello Jane is enjoying this

well in your own words

lol kay bud you keep telling your self that.

I own a business and 4 homes. Im not comparing possessions. Besides the point anything to make you feel better. So funny how you have nonstop rants while working.

Your on the defensive so hard… yiur trying so hard to not be a sterotypical weeb

i mean end of the day you can believe me or not doesnt change the fact that its True now i mean lets say for a moment here that its false right? does that change anything for you? i mean weither i have or dont have one isnt going to keep you up at night… is it? and say its True ( witch i mean i know and Michaela knows its true) how does this Hurt or help your case? so what you really shouldve done is just blown the whole thing off and forget about it. move on too something Stronger.

because right now i can speak for everyone. every one is looking at you as the ass hole right now.

PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT oh yea busy man you are sitting here Arguing with random people online. MR four business the fuck out of here bud.