Stop being toxic

Lol…the most unbelievable thing you mentioned was having a girl /friend / lololololol

well i mean yea im Defensive not really that hard though… and has nothing to with avoiding being a sterotype its about standing up for my right to enjoy what i like. what do you go to Gay people and Roast them for being gay you sick fuck?


I can here you voice… I just want to punch it… typical weeb… im 6ft 1… im 255 6ft 3" and have a 1k psi punch. Stfu

Keep pounding on your keyboard… mom the meatloaf

really thats the most unbelievable thing i mentioned ever? really? not the 63 gender meme thing no no no its the fact i have a Girl friend… ok. speaking of Sterotypes btw arnt you being the sterotype of a man in womens eyes by saying shit like that? “having a girl friend is the biggest success in life” really? now i know you didnt say those words but im Struggling to find the point to attacking me and my girl friend so hard man…

Gay people… this about you and how you just want to make believe who you really are

Fucking what? ok how did you come to that conclusion?

Great you finally admitted your lies!.. lol

I love quarantine!


just notice this… lol fair played…

but i mean at this point im just along for the ride im not being too toxic…

am i? i dont think i’ve attack him have i? correct me im wrong feel free

yea it can be fun at times

Im not quarantined. But hes so irate… Im not attacking cause you have no girlfriend

Mr. Alpha seems to be having a hard time asserting himself… pathetic.

Keep going, I’m enjoying watching you attack from a position of ignorance.


well i mean… that statement is sorta an attack… i mean shes in the room with me right now is highly offended…

Of course another redirect… your offended. You brought your third personality into this. Tell susan to go away. Your a fucking mental case


Ok… this sounds like someone who doesnt get any ass and watches anime 😂😂😂

Sorry had to slip in some toxicity hee hee!

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i mean, as i said you choose to believe it or not Too me doesnt really change anything if it makes you sleep better thinking its Bull shit you can have at her.