SuperPredator gameplay aspect

I’ve already said what I honestly think about the visual aspect of Super Predators:

Gameplay aspect is a whole different story. I will cut this one short to just stating that they are very fun to play. Stats seems reasonable and specializations are… well, some of them are useful. So yeah, good job on coding Super Preds in to the game. Was playing all day with both and really had a blast.

My personal feedback? I love how equipping the wrist launche actually gives them CH braclet armour. I wonder where did you guys get this idea from ;-)

Your welcome Illfonic. But seriously, this should be the case for all predators in game, it just looks so much better when the projectile leaves the launcher and not appears out of thin air.

Another thing is swappable plasmacasteres and backpacks between classes – YES I’M DOING THIS ONE AGAIN. Just think about it. Movie accurate Falconer has no PC, he has a drone. Many ppl will refuse to play a pred without his main range weapon. Perfect solution is to give us an option to customize it for all preds. If I want a specific style PC than I can equip it in menus(If I own the specific DLC), if I want the drone than I can equip it in place of PC. Works for everyone? YES

Also, on a bit different note – is Falconer INSANE energy drain while cloaked intended? If so than ok, just one of his unique things I guess, but the reason I’m asking is a very similar thing was happening with Jungle Hunter when the game was released and it was confirmed to be a bug. So if we could get this one clarified it would be fantastic