Hello IllFonic! Have not been around for a wee while, just got the latest update and I have to say – on paper it looks fantastic, easy the best update to date – 3 new preds, all of them from movies.
In practice its not that cut and dry I’m afraid.
I’m not hear to spill abuse on you for those issues – just want to give you some perspective and maybe try to explain why people are unhappy. So lets do this shit, as there is alot of material to go thrugh…
For the past year it was a real rollercoaster with Illfonic handling this game. Sometimes you made us – fans – really happy, and sometimes really mad. Whatever it was, one thing was unchanged – Characters added to game always represented the top shelf standard – super detailed 3d models with perfect textures and materials applied in a very professional matter. Up until now. You see, 7 quid for 3 preds is not a lot of money, actually its super cheap, so what else to expect? Right?
BUT – its you Illfonic that got us used to this top level standard. From what I read on forums most people are simply shocked. Lets get down to details
Super preds have different clicks, growls and roars as they are a different Yautja subspecies – game ones are using default sounds. This should not be the case - super pred sounds shuld be unique to their race.
Body mesh – ok, clearly this was rushed, as armour dos not fit the body. See photos attached
Chest armour is not fitting correctly. Strap is going through the body
Also on this you can see the cloth and tight armour is going thrugh his body. Speaking of the lower armour, groin belt is not fitting correctly – you can see through his ass – that’s not how its meant to be:
Wrist blade bracelet is … well have a look, its not fitting his arm at all:
Also - for some reason its tilted:
All those issues are simply the result of having the body to skinny. Super preds were slim, yes, but they were not skinny – they were tall, taller than normal preds, its in the lore. So making him the same size as normal preds (like in your game) and giving him the slim look will make him hilariously skinny… this is what we are observing just now. Super preds should be much taller with bit more body mass :
Face animations are off – mandibles are constantly retracted inward – its not how it was in the movie, after the mask is off, those are going out to give him this iconic spider-like look.
Also head 3d mesh is very detailed but material file applied is too weak (makes the model look much more basic than it actually is)
Dreadlocks – nope, just no! They do not look like super preds dreadlocks at all. Texture is from valkyrie (super preds had plain dreadlocks) not enough dread rings on them (although rings have the right shape, I will give you that) and shape of dreadlocks is just standard hunter – super preds had them much thicker and swept back – it gave their heads this elongated look. Actually, much more accurate in appearance are default female dreadlocks(still no where near accurate, but much closer to original):
This brings me to another issue – all dreadlocks have their connection nod bit to high so they don’t fit the skull right (hovering touch above it)
Skin paints – guys… this is just hilarious. Apart from the default skin he wares (which is bugged as head does not match body colour) only ONE other skin in default section actually changes his skin pattern(Playstation exclusive) but right lower mandible is not covered correctly…

Every other paint in every section just changes the skin tone not the pattern, 50% of them repeat itself and gator skins are bugged and applied upsides down. Since we are touching this – material files applied is way to weak or missing altogether – looks very cheap
In short - this was rushed out for Christmas and you have clearly changed your 3d artist. Overall Illfonic, I’m not mad with you… I’m just disappointed.