Support 20% damage reduction to allies works regardless of proximity

I agree with you. But one thing is using a broken weapon or class and criticize others of doing the same.
Dante FM can be OP sure, but it’s a different thing, it’s not an exploit, it’s just a meta class used by potatoes and/or players who wan’t to win at all cost.
Oh, but i think the Axe is OP, not only because it’s bugged, but also because it’s a 1 swing kill against the majority of the classes and also have bleed damage and stun effect and it consumes no stamina at all…Only against a premade team it isn’t that great.
About meta, Pred has meta loadouts too, Elder/Stalker/Downrange, CH/Analytic/Downrange (someone said Analytic was bugged too, but i’m not sure).
Bottom line, using bugged weapons or classes/specs are in a different level than meta classes, in my opinion.
And again, people who play as Pred and use bugged items (Axe, Combistick) shouldn’t criticize FT players for doing the same.

It’s only a 1 hit down outright if you use Samurai Ghost with Fearless and even then it still rarely ever one taps Dutch, Dante, Support or even an Assault with Thick Skin and OWLF Trained. The Axe only deals about 3 bleed damage that I’ve noticed but either way whether I’m right or wrong the D.O.T. isn’t significant. The blinding effect only turns your screen black and white for a second anyway. The annoying part is that it stops you from sprinting if you are doing so when it hits you, but even so that is a realistic effect it would have.

None of these will mean anything though if you are against a full team of people using Support and Dante Field Medics in a private match. I literally had to face a Support Fanatic, Support Leader and 2 Support Field Medics with PDLs and I couldn’t win with CH Analytic, Cleo Stalker, or Elder Stalker, but I won with JH Tracker. I had to use my brain unlike the tank Fireteam and I won instead of trying to brute force it.
Also if you say the Axe is OP, yet against a premade it isn’t good, but the difference is that all Meta/OP Fireteam weapons like the SAWZ-50, 1011-12 and Hammerhead, are good in any situation against any Predator.

So if someone were to use Assault Comms you’d be annoyed but if someone was using Dante Field Medic you’d be fine with it theoretically by some sense of this logic?
What if @Savage3i3 or I were to use Berserker with Focused spec against your team of Dantes and Supports? Would that be ok? Or would it only suck if I used Hunter Stalker?

How is the Combistick bugged?


Let’s all just forget about regular hunt and play hide and seek in privates. Shit is super fun

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It’s complete trash against any decent premade.

If you use dante FM you have a small dick and low iq.

It’s not meta. There is just no other choice. All the other classes/specs suck.

If you do realize how broken certain things on this game are and you keep using them you’re a) Really bad at the game and b) You should burn in hell :)

P.s. Literally none of the broken builds that you can make for pred comes even close to the absolutely legal and broken stuff the ft has.


Thunder has a point.

The Predator players adapt to use these things against the broken Fireteam because they literally have no choice. If they dont use at least one kind of damage buff they aren’t going to get a kill against a decent premade.


I always say … people shouldn’t blame/criticize anyone for using any weapon /class/ spec on both FT … and predator sides
The developers should be blamed for improper balance … not the players for … playing the classes they want to play with
However … if its a private match … thats a different scenario, then I feel there should be a discussion to ban certain classes and perks on FT (especially field medic ,9 second spot,pdls etc )
Just my opinion

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Dude I’m telling you some people here just can’t accept that fireteam has more advantage than predator
No matter how hard you try to explain
They just think the predator side is not bad cuz predator can win against Potatos in public


Its just interesting how the side that already has the unfair advantage are the ones that have the exploits that can give them even more of an advantage.

Axe even with bug isn’t enough vs a decent premade ft, Hunter Stalker/Analytic doesn’t really help much. People can try those things vs me and others. See how it goes. Predator exploits don’t really help people win on this game. FT mains are free to give it a try vs me as the Predator using any so called Predator exploit.

The meta for Predator is more like the only thing that works. Analytic is exactly how it should be, its fair considering how the ft is.

Combistick ?


What if somebody uses Dante Field medic with PDL ? LOL

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Combistick throw sometimes register as a double hit.

You mean the one shot combi throw, I only seen it happen a few times in private matches. Rare.

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Yes. It’s 1 shot, but it deals damage in double. It’s rare, but it’s there. Bugged nonetheless

Something like that. I can comprehend and accept a match where someone who uses Dante FM. He’s either a newb or a try hard.
Using a bugged loadout i can comprehend also, but i don’t respect it.

But Assault Comms is not something that is op, that will give an advantage to the player. Its like using the bug to equip minigun on the primary weapon slot. Or to play with 2 shotguns. The player is nerfing himself on the exploit.


Depends on the POV. If he is a player who gives good use to the Comms and it’s one of his specs of choice he shoud be stuck with the Classes that has that spec (support and owlf) but that way he has the chance to use a better class for that spec.

Shit really? I haven’t encountered that… I don’t think? 🤔

It’s somewhere in the big section. I posted a video of it.

Yeah exactly bro that’s annoying & unfair specially FM & Recon in a team , Ik how you feel…
And idk why some people still saying game is balance because they cannot kill potato predators in public matches…
Ngl I hate Fanatic for that insane damage and of course you can use it on DANTE…
It’s absolutely not “Fun” Dude!!!


Idk man maybe get good

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They’re trying to balance based on potato randoms unfortunately. There’s no fix for that

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