Support has finally ended

You wouldn’t be the first.

The others are in unmarked graves.

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Who bothers burying their victims anymore? You leave them on the ground to rot, and you prove two things; one, you’re really fucking dangerous and two, you have police allies without compromising said allies. Nobody will wanna fuck with you.

Because that would deter people from stepping foot on my property.

Kind of counterproductive when I want to grow my body count.


what the heck does captainjelou use?

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did your girl dump you or something?

bro, you begging for my attention and trying to get under my skin is cringy

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god mode

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Hm. Well, we jammed a little last night, didn’t really notice anything out of ordinary. Could tell you even with crossplay on, I was not getting ANY PC players. PS seems to be working normally, as normal as this trash heap can be. I guess PC got the shit end of the stick on this one?

Test what the fuck you say then

I don’t list you a trustworthy source of information for a reason lmao

I use an AutoHotKey that scans for the parry prompt on the screen and whenever it detects it it will send the parry command.


Why should I, if that’s why you are there for?

You go to stackoverflow and ask a question, nobody answers. Go make another account, and write a wrong answer, you’ll get answers from everybody and you’ll get the answer you were looking for

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Nah, Ima just ask rombak

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@Rmus40 what do you think of Captain Jelou

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Simple solution

Abuse the power entrusted to the predator

Plasma caster


no shit sherlock


played with captainjeleu… I beat him in 1vs 1… I have a clip to prove it. He talks a lot, explains the hacker’s secrets… but on the battlefield he’s kaka… He’s not a scary name…


Can’t wait to encounter in game

And laugh when he dies

I don’t think I played with you. Are you on PC, ps?

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