Depens we talking start of the game or the middle?
Yes the target isolation is op because its a spoon feeder lol
Not really i mean Motion tracker does the same thing only better how come your not bitching about that?
Target Iso is a guide at the start of the game yes its needed to go and find the action.
but at every other point in the game? no.
i guess if they nerfed it where you get like 1-2 charges that would be fine. keep the cool down tho.
then i think thats not a big deal
but if they did Remove it to be honest i would be that agaisnt it if they made the Objectives for the fire team take longer or just flat out gave them more objectives at different points of the map that way the predator can have the time to find players with out it being half the game done by that time.
i also think too stop predators form killing the whole fire team in like 2 mins if they made side optional objectives for the predator that gives him extra V-points ( thats what i call them) i think that would make alot of people happeir
target isolation is there to help pin point the spoon feed predator players the fire teams actual location throughout the whole match enabling quick easy kills and denying the fire team an fair and balanced match straight from the very start which also goes against guildlines of illfonics promise to all gamers that their product is balanced and fun, for this to be untrue changes need to be done to meet the customers standards.
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