More customizable options, Less canon characters.

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No, cannon characters then more customization

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It would be cool if we could create our own clans/fireteams in game


We need more Female Predators too


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As nice as those are… Female Predator shouldnt ever really be an option in the game. Female Yautja rarely hunt, especially alone. They hunt with a male to judge his worth as a mate then spends the majority of her life as a baby factory.

Also they are anatomically depicted wrong in the game. Females are bigger and stronger than the males and support large mammary glands. They also dress more modestly than the men, aka covered up.

So I’m afraid skinny curvy half naked Pred girls are out of the question.


Canon characters are anti immersive. How many times have you killed the necromancied corpse of the Jungle Hunter? How many Dutch clones have you take trophies of in a single mission?

I want more customization so I can fully realize my clan/fireteam, not some pile of canon characters that either heavily limit what you can do with them, or what you can do with them removes the point of having them.

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Well, it depends on the comic, because every author has his own idea on how he wants to add females into his story. One has a full female clan. One has all the clans led by a matriarch, one has females treated no differently except for pregnancy. Some have them better than males, some have them weaker, some have them roughly the same. Some are big breasted, some are far less. (Why they breasts to begin with is beyond me. Predators don’t have lips to use those properly, and all their teeth and mandibles don’t make sense for them. But I digress)

On another note, don’t throw sexy preds in the game. You can fap to the porn elsewhere, but these females in the game are hunters, and as such, aren’t meant to be easy on the eyes, but to provide the same standard as the males.

Everyone wants to use cannon characters. Clearly they will be adding a mic of both, but the cannon characters attract players

Daaaamn that’s an odee buzz kill lol

That’s a rip lmfaoaooaooa

I’m afraid the reason they aren’t in the game is those marks are predominantly as a result of successfully hunting a Xenomorph. And being a Predator main entry title, I’m guessing they will avoid alien related lore where possible.

Which will be difficult as Predator Lore and culture is heavily laced with the Xenomorph race, making up a large portion of it, especially most ritualistic hunts, ranks and other culture milestones such as the rite of passage. Infact nearly all Predator hierarchy stems from their ability to prove themselves against Xenomorphs.

For example blooded Predators, which are most Predators we have seen in the movie universe, are ones who have killed Xenos, and to obtain the rank of Elite like Wolf, typically have had to kill a Queen.

Drifting from the point 😂 that’s likely why they haven’t included the mark. Although they should as even as a Predator title, removing the Xenomorph factor guts the Predator lore and stop being the Predators we love.

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Yea i guess this is one of the reasons if not the only reason why the Blooded symbol is not in the game because it made it’s debut in a crossover franchise movie.

Which begs the question u think illfonic has to pay the Alien franchise to use the symbol?

Samurai Predator is going to be a DLC, it’s so lit!

And it was earlier in this thread how i was saying that a Samurai Predator would be awesome but not sure how the armor would fit in the Jungle map themes.

But whatever, who cares? Samurai Predator is coming to Kitana slice FT members heads off lol

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There is still plenty of lore without xenomorphs. What we all keep forgetting is that the crossover universe isn’t the only one. There is plenty of predator only media, and they seem to work fine, getting blooded and rising through the ranks, hunting other things. It was always one of the big things with AVP is that the xenomorph is the toughest prey out there. Coming from the alien franchise, that makes sense, since there has been no real contact with alien life. But the predators, my oh my, do they have some nice trophies from things that seem quite a bit tougher than xenos. But the crossover is so popular, everyone forgets that they are separate.

City Hunter is most probably the next dlc with all the leaks and rumors. It’s so lit, i hope a city map could be added too though.

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I would like to see the weapons from Predator: Concrete Jungle…


Niceee that’s a lot of weaponry. I see a Shuriken there hopefully that can be added soon along with Wolf Predator

That would be awsome. Also looking at this pic reminded me of something this game did that illfonic &players should keep in mind:

SEE?? So is it not possible to bring new content to the table, expand the lore, all while keeping it “classic”???Intead of contaminating it with shit that has nothing to do with the concept???!!!

Thank you

Here is the up close. Talk about 8 bit generation.Nintendo Graphix.

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