Yoooo, all of those look bas ass! I’d love to have a blue and white skin option like that!

That 3rd one looks amazing.

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Ah huh…

Something you wanna talk to the group about there Fire?


Doooont you judge me.


I aint judging at all.

Matter of fact, I’m just saying its a safe space and noticed you oddly specified and I was like maybe homie needs to get something off his chest (thats a subtle joke for you Xeno)

If you want a Predaslut, I’m sure you’re amongst friends

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Lmao you actually remembered predaslut xD.
Honestly I think NoHesitation wants it more than any of us xD.
Cause his avatar.

I’d love one lmao. You know how much more I could fuck around in game with a thicc pred?
The jokes would be endless and some nice eye candy too.


Judging Hat

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I didn’t even see the rest of the female pics yalls posted

Extra hat for all yalls!!!

First you betray me by saying no playable xenomorphs… now this?

When will it end kala? WHEN?

The Xeno was for your own good, I stand by that. They butchered (sort of) our boy here. I dont need to see that done to the Xeno too, even though they are inferior (dont @ me) but I still love them. I can’t witness murder twice in one game from one dev.

The predhoes, yall just naasssssstyyy. Church is on Sundays. Yall should go twice.

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This is me and you on the Xeno subject

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@WhiteKala78 Xenos better cause they look cooler. Ya that’s right. I just @ you. Fight meh. Lol.

The main on I agree with is that there isnt too many pred focused games. So I get not wanting xenomorphs.

Now we’re talking

Predator 2 model. Gort mask and ponytail dreads are my top picks. Any variation to pred armor is needed. Pred boobs.

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I would sell my kidney for a City Hunter DLC with his movie accurate combistick (same one from the game trailers) Also it would be nice to have the mask selection from Predator 2 film ending scene.

I think what is needed is some degree of custumization to classic 87 skin and further DLC Predator skins. Right now, if you have the classic skin, you are unable to change anything on it, armour color, skin pattern. Also the classic mask has no color options if you got it from preorder, but that apparently is a bug

If we they put Xenos in the game can we get Hot Female Xenos too then?


Apex, please correct me if I’m wrong quz I’m not in to AVP movies that much, but was that not the yung blods symbol?

Okay but what about most crucial and essential game mechanics a game needs to stay fun, i even made a post about it but yeah… i think whip would be nice to have as u can just pull or shock a person i guess

It might be not sure. The first time i saw it was in the first AVP movie the scene where the Predator marks his helmet with the acid blood of an Xenomorph.

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I mean… I can’t say I ever wanted a hot xeno but fk it why not lmao.

Another cool item would be the snare the first armed guy in the temple dies by in AvP. Where he walks into it and gets lifted up by his throat. That would be cool for snagging FT coming out of buildings.