Yea that would be sick

I was so excited that the female preds they added weren’t fuckable.

We all know mankind’s first thought if aliens get discovered is if we could fuck it or not.



If Man were to procreate with a Female Predator the offspring would probably look like this:

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id love if it instead of cheap colour variations that predators wouldnt be caught dead wearing we could have, tribal warrior armor, futuristic tech hunter, ceremonial armor, makeshift armor, stealth stalker armor, beast hunter armor, predator elder armor. and different variations of each. maybe different clans for each with their own style.

also customize predators face with different tusks and scars and battle wounds or markings.

we definitely need more bling. predators are into bling on their hair and trophies on their bodies we need some sweet customization options there.

i would have liked to see the trophy system tied to in game achievements.


those pics seem alittle Lewd for a horror game, “let me rip out your spines, for dubble the trophies, want some candy?” … Sigh kill me…


I’m not a fan of that armor either. It’s like it was designed for an mmorpg. The thread pretty quickly went from the game to snu snu.


Hey it’s 2020 and there are a lot of girl gamers out there who would love to play different variations of female Predators ripping FT’s apart, and for us guys we get to admire them curves running through the Jungle you nahhhh meaaannnn nahhh i’m saaayyyiinnn.

Win, win for everybody.


with as much skin the male preds run around showing and considering tribes on earth something tells me their females arent going to be the modest types. maybe their race also evolved sjws though. who knows what the feminism situation is like in predator culture. nevermind i take that back. im just kidding back on topic!

SJW Preds lol… In this day and age what won’t they try to do to us…

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Rule 34 yall.

As old as time itself.

See everyone is like, “Hips and curves, can we fuck it?” Till yall get to the blowjob part.


@Fire that goes triple for your Xeno booty


I ain’t no bitch tho. Il do it. For science.


Why would you say that???

putting irl political issues into a perfectly fine fictional universe is just wrong, really just needs to stop being put into neutral ground lol

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Sacrifices for the betterment of MANkind. Cause only dudes are willing to risk that much for that particular part of knowledge

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I think its a clan symbol.

In the comics clans have their own marks. I don’t recall it as well but marking yourself with these symbols is the first step to being members of the clan, “blooded” meaning you’ve killed a worthy prey to prove yourself, Xeno’s being one of the deadliest.

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we really need this stuff… it’s borderline mentally mind numbing how little customization we have compared to FT

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have you seen the mouth though? if a strict no teeth policy is adhered to i think youd be fine.