Thank you! This is what we want to hear!


You can’t say game is not great at this point. They are even bragging about how much they did. Lol. From this reply don’t get your hopes high for next update. Don’t you know game has a lot of stuff in current state?

Screen taken from their last instagram post.


This forum is trash.


Haha holy fuck, do they really want to ride this train?



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Oof that’s a doozie.

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They are about as confident in their product, as a captain sinking with their ship.

Literally all that is listed has been none of what the community has actively asked for and most of what has been mentioned has completely thrown the balance of the game out the window.

I literally cannot formulate words right now as to how dissapointed I am reading this…

Also @Weevo540 we have been playing this game solid for a year, and we genuinelly had an issue with the game, yet we aren’t taken seriously and just are presumed to not have the best intentions for the game, especially after the last bugs we’ve encountered.

What fucking universe did we wake up in?


He also has the galls to show himself on a video. He must be stupid as fuck.

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I have never witnessed a videogame dev team be so defensive over such a hollow product and push those things no one asked for in their faces.

We are literally treated like trash and it’s sad.

We received literally 1 apology for the servers actually being down (bet illfonic saw messages and didn’t believe them, showed up at the office and actually fucked up).


Well, I dont know how to understand this message. It’s look like a joke ane self irony, but I think they were writing it with serious faces lul

In any case, as always they saiyng some Bull shit. I cant stop laughing. SOOOOO MUCH WORK DURING A YEAR!Wooow! They’ve added 10(!) useless skins! Did you hear that?? This company is a joke, cmon, stable game, predator perks(woow) etc. Are they serious?

I hope this game will be closed due to copyright issues, because this is just garbage and a shame for predator ubiverse


My retort to this list:

  1. Some of those characters we can play, take 12+ mins minutes to play (if we are lucky to even land in a lobby)
  2. No one plays clash, unless they want a mindless poorly thrown together Predator experience.
  3. Custom private matches were broken for over 2 months! (Bet no one remembers that!)
  4. Cross-platform was implemented MONTHS after release and caused the majority of the playerbase to blue screen for nearly 2 weeks.
  5. There is STILL no indication or hints to assist in players finding the specializations (most people load in without one)
  6. 1 predator perk. 1… (ironside)
  7. Tf is a queue reward? (Nonexistent)
  8. You have made us do the same 2nd weekly ever since this is added (no variation)
  9. Equipment for Predator? Again WTF?!
  10. NEVER see anyone use PDL. Spotting was already OP…
  11. We have been left in the dark for over 2 months at this point in probably one of the most important milestones of the games existence (anniversary 1).
  12. Shall I go on?

I’m tired of this “making the consumers feel guilty bullshit here.”

We literally tossed money at this skeleton of a game and are treated like shit.

It just sucks they have one of the most sought after IPs in the galaxy and they know it…


Response: fake news?

So many have left the community. Those who stayed it seems will keep playing no matter what, to a point. When they do leave, their number will be replaced my fortnight keeds. Whoever is in charge, it doesn’t have to be illfonic, doesn’t have to reconsile with the community. That ship sailed long ago. We known it and whoever calls the shots knows it.

I guess it sucks for us that we are so attached to this game/IP. They’re just making munny the best the can


Couldn’t have said it better. I even tried to communicate with OKH to absolutely no avail on several occasions. I’ve never been treated so poorly by a game development company… By one of my ex’s yeah lol. But a professional establishment? The fuck?


Mind clarifying what is the “fake news”?

Meaning there is no response

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That’s why I wonder how they can literally puff up their chests, the way they do, when the consumers digesting their product have LEGIT claims for attention and TLC for this game.

Then we just get patted on our little heads like non behaving children.

And I don’t wanna hear no You hated us just as much as we ignored you
How many times have we been trying to help? How many times have we tried to work with you? I even tried to relate and cut them some slack with one of my previous forum posts. Know what they said? Nothing. Not a goddamn thing.


53 days and no update make forum members cray cray

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Perhaps at this point the less they say the better, for them (anything you say can be used against you thing). We’re a bit angry, been starved of information and want the game to go in a different direction than they do. I don’t think we’d have healthy discussion and if we had some, i think the community would be even more disappointed. At this point, ignorance is bliss. The questings would never stop. Its content, glitches, game mechanics, balance, cheaters, the list goes on. We do our best to discuss all the possibilities and lash out at each other. Imagine if we’d be as respectful to them as to some of the people among us. They read the topics and I’m sure they want none of it. They kinda brought it on themselves, but it might be too late to try to establish good customer relations

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