Thank you! This is what we want to hear!

This is asymmetrical pvp there is no endgame but lets not pretend Destiny 2 is good.

You’re missing the point…

Rehauling the game actually took so long EA just axed them and moved them to different projects.

The fact they charge a triple aaa Price for this is nuts. They deserve all the backlash and criticism for this unfinished product we got.

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“Excavation is a bad map!” “Clash is a bad gamemode!” “Why arent these monthly updates not the monthly updates I requested??”

How’s that working out for you?

Really all I want from devs is a community playlist for customs, halo grifball style but they’re not a bungie sized company so im not going to put my expectations up there regardless. We’re all along for the ride.

Why are you quoting things I never said that clearly aren’t viable examples of feedback and criticism? Then asking me how it’s working out for me?

I don’t know what to tell you if its the bugs making or breaking this for you then. Desync and bugs on dedicated servers are their own animal.

How many hours do you expect to put into this game though, realistically?

Wtf…you’re all over the place…

You’re comparing this little game to Destiny and The Division lol.

Your expectations are all over the place.

Lol what then? are you suggesting we throw money 💰 and hope illfonic pulls a no man’s sky come back

I mean yeah you got to be constructive criticism but there’s a way you have to do it I’m not saying praise them. I’m saying acknowledge the good.

For example: my sister she has a hard time reading and writing and I sit there sometimes to help her usually it’s my mom but when I do it I don’t sit there and judge her and make fun of her for not being able to do these things. I help her sound out words, help her try to memorize the sound of the letters or make her Trace over what I wrote maybe even read along with her.
Cuz if I just sit there and talk crap and say oh haha you’re 7 and you still don’t know how to read or write your pathetic stupid hurry up and learn. it’s just going to affect her mentally, hurt her feelings and just want to quit.

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Pretty sure the Fast Hands perk is also post launch
And Queue reward is the Exp bonus
Others either are already or not that relevant (such as them being silent when we know everything major that is coming, like Airstrip, Lone Wolf and Gauntlet)

Play something else and wait for an update

Or just continue on like battered wives calling them the worst devs ever how dare they not release 3v12 etc

I mean they kinda are lol. Nothing like a match lit on your ass to get shit done. It’s been a 1 year and we still on the free trial 😄

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Okay…clearly I need to break out the crayons to explain my point to you.

Feedback and criticism are viable and necessary for a game’s continued growth and improvement. That is the whole point I am attempting to make to you.

The games mentioned are merely examples where fan feedback and criticism influenced those games to larger success than if the devs had ignored them.

And I don’t know where you’re coming from trying to insinuate

is stuff I have said (it’s not) nor is it in a way that I would present viable criticism.

Objectively false looking at all the games that dont give a shit about their forums and/or dont have them.

Forums always have been a vocal minority not worth the server space and plenty of devs just take on passion projects without giving a damn.

Okay bud. These are for you:

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“Oh no, you’re wrong so I’ll clown you time”


You’re still honking around here though thinking they’re going to change their gameplan tomorrow because you crafted a strongly worded letter.

This game’s been set in stone since launch with the occassional easy change.