Shouldn’t make a difference how big or lil a game is. We paid our hard money to have a working product not some buggy mess of game that had thee worst weekend and beta on it’s launch. And despite all this time it’s still buggy, still messy balanced of a game with very little to no variety. And their biggest offenses is lack of major transparency that would have mitigated half the flack they got.
Thank you! This is what we want to hear!
Oh. I agree with you, but you must not know about the new meta. Hammerhead with PDL and ammo bags. Works best with assault unleashed and support field medic, but I’m sure it would work well on OWLF and Dante, too.
I use my PDL for my OWLF Operative. I’ll screen shot it’s build. It’s actually pretty fun.
Lmao I just got done playing the RE:Verse beta a couple days ago and the servers werent even up half the time and its a Capcom game, get real.
Its terrible by the way.
Obviously lol anything shitty deserves criticism. The hell lol
PHG Beta and launch PHG were better than what we have now.
Hot take.
Get real dude I remember this forum was livid on that launch day a lot of people waste their xp bonus that weekend now I know you foolin’
well tbf the RE8 demo thing was done that way for player metrics probably and to hopefully prevent datamining when the PC demo happens
and it’s not objective that all the forums from companies ignore their feedback
as there are at least 2 from 2 very different sized companies that did to pretty fine success
Riot games for League of legends (baring the one time they reworked Aatrox)
And Double Helix? or it was iron galaxy the people behind Killer instinct 2013
and also blizzard used to before they went and became Actiblizzard
feedback is important
Ok but I could infinitely parry a combistick that actually did damage.
Your point?
They literally deleted their forums like 3 years ago. Shen’s rework was trash too and they didnt care because they had to do something, anything about his kit so he would get picked less in lcs. Aatrox has been reworked like 3 times now regardless of player feedback he just doesnt fit in the game. They have numbers so they don’t need to read anything from the playerbase in their minds. But its not like anyones going to get paid to read all that anyway.
I miss GD sometimes.
Re:Verse not the RE8 demo though yeah that was lackluster.
The shit needs to be fixxed lol but I guess illfonic is infallible. Whatever I have spoken
Plenty of terrible design decisions ingame but I dont think a monthly roadmap is one of them.
What else these guys have going on thats so important? NEW MAPS, NEW PERKS, NEW CHARACTERS NOW!! #GETSOME
Dude, dont compare RDO with this joke game. I’m playing RDO too and it’s much better and much more quality than PHG. Even if it has leak of content, there are still more activities to do. Also game looks better, felling better and giving you greater expirience than Bull shit illfonic.
So no sense to compare them
Triple A game releasing one role that takes 5 days to finish & 10 months to drop.
Also no communication nor anti-cheat.
Sounds about right.
It’s not a matter of them not adding everything the community wants. It’s the fact that they are so far detached from the community and from the predator franchise itself that they start adding random goofy ass crap like pink predators, predators dressing up as humans, some CoD clone mode (it’s fun but it’s not what the game needed) and so much more questionable choices. It’s like they don’t have a clue what predator is about half the time. They don’t have to add every single thing people suggest but they should damn well start adding stuff a lot of people are gonna like and stuff that’s actually going to benefit the game not kill it even more.
Let’s take a look at a lot of other games that listened to their community.
Star Wars Battlefront 2. Started off as a shit show and they barely listened to us. But guess what happened? They actually started communicating with us and adding stuff that made sense and made the game so much better. They added clone wars content like so many people requested, they revamped the whole progression system and so much more. You know what happened to that flop of a game after they did all that and listened and respected their community? Surprise, surprise it became a fucking hit.
I’m afraid the “but they’re just a small team!” excuse doesn’t work either. No Man’s Sky is a small team too probably smaller. Look at the updates they release. They’re solid updates with good content. Some of it is random and not what the community asked for like the exo mechs, byte beat machines etc. But they also do listen to their community and they’ve added full on multiplayer, more varied world’s to explore, pets, ship salvaging, derelict frieghters to explore etc. And again that game is a hit now and has won awards and it really goes to show how far you can go by actually listening to your community and giving them a lot of stuff that’s highly requested while sprinkling in the odd, random surprise here and there. It shouldn’t be surprising that if you give the people what they want and treat them with respect they’ll give you money. And it’s shocking that illfonic as a business doesn’t seem to understand that.
There’s a reason hunting grounds was rated as PlayStation’s biggest flop of 2020 and it’s because of the stupid content they’re adding, the utter disrespect they have for the community and constantly being left in the dark and the very awful balance changes which is proof enough that listening to your community can actually save your mess of a game. But because they haven’t been it’s caused the game to go on life support. And this is why you don’t buy live services games, or games as a service or online only games until you see that they are actually good, adding worthwhile content that helps the game and not constantly fucking up because most of them are scams and I hope people take this game as a lesson to stay clear of purchasing another game like this.
Maybe the next update can turn things around, make things right and add content that’s not out of place, content that’s actually fun and makes you want to play the game. And hopefully there’s a sizeable amount of content too but quality should be focused over quantity but seeing how the game started with piss all quantity and awful quality with a 50 buck price tag I can’t say I’m hopeful. We’ll just have to see and I hope they have learned their lesson after watching their game suffer and being close to dead for a year. Time will tell I guess.
But is it gonna be another pathetic change though like the changes before where they “increased armour” and it turned out to be so minimal it was practically pointless. That’s what I’m worrying.
Expect the worst and get pleasantly surprised.
That’s my thought on this.