Thanks for all the good times folks!

Its been fun, but you know we’ve been stretching this game out pretty slim for the past two months but its time to give this game a break until something further is developed.

I can’t say anything that will help, maybe keep posting screen shots of funny moments or post screen shots of incredible photographic moments in the game. I really enjoy those for all times.

Those are whaat really keep this game interesting.

Enjoy my legacy post:

and have at it.
And if the next update pits brown bears in the game, so be it. Maybe we will get a new map or sometting. But it seems there is nothign on the horizon so maybe i will play other games like Horizon Forbidden West to keep my 80 year old heart going.

May the ocean waters take my body, not my soul.


Yes go on, nobody will miss you

Everyone from who was playing from the start is gone,they are my brethren. You however are a pimple fresh from the virginity o playing the game a few months back. Good luck. YOu are test of wills from a short comings of problematic circumstances. Good day yar.

tenor (1)

This will make it all better


PS players be like:

i gave up predator with the december uptade even if i still care about the game
i don’t want anymore to play to it .
Lets hope it either have an other second chance or finaly die

I’ll say the same to you as I have all the others.


Welcome to the light, Mass.

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