That Fireteam Player who:

Making this thread as a sort of gag post for the headless chicken FT Players that are out there.

That Fireteam Player that doesnt Mud-Up when you all spawn in.

That Fireteam Player who shoots 3+ Pigs immediately after spawning in.

That Fireteam Player who goes completely nowhere, probably VT grinding in Public or just simply is a crayon muncher.

That Fireteam Player who instantly leaves for Reinforcement when you lose just one guy, leaving the other two to fend for themselves.

That Fireteam Player who tries to 1v1 a Pred that also isn’t “That one Pred Player” and knows what they’re doing.

That Fireteam Player who groups up A.I like it’s COD Zombies and is unironically wiped by them like it’s Round 2.

That Fireteam Player who bags Pred corpses but actually did the least Pred Damage in match.

Any of you got any others?

P.S, this isnt me hating on FT, I mainly play FT while also being fairly decent as Predator, so I’ve seen both sides.


I don’t mud up cause the pred is usually too easy.


That fireteam player who shoots every explosive barrel so his team get a lot of unnecessary damage…


That fireteam member that is Jystyyy, the GOAT.

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That FT player who is too busy collecting VT instand of ressurecting you. (Hey kalypso)
That FT player who prefer continue the mission instead of doing the reinforcement when is teammates are all dead

That FT player who throw smoke grenade for hide from the predator but actually make it for us impossible to see the predator

That FT player ranger who go out of the group for take camp position on a hill but get immediatly kill by the pred and rage quit.


That FT player who run after the pred when he is super low but not on his first wind and die to a bear trap.

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That Fireteam member who always throws smoke grenades at the evacuation area so the rest of the team can’t see the predator.
Predators see through smoke if they have bio mask on.


I’m a FT main and i’m really fed up with the stupid behaviour of my random mates (noobs and / or 10 years old brats) in quick games. This thread has a public utility :)

That Fireteam Player who doesn’t know to spot.

That Fireteam Player who spams the tchat voices.

That Fireteam Player who gives the position of the team with the fucking noise of his headphone.


Ft not muddyup is a tactic… the big fat suppt is like im here bro… lets dance


That Fireteam Player who takes 50 seconds to get back to the keyboard after match just started!


Its Jysty cause i make him watch me fucking his mom… in his rental basement

That Fireteam Member who always loads up on the ammo/field syrette crate at the start of the game when doesn’t need to, wasting valuable ammo crates.

That Fireteam Member who spends too much time jumping up to areas when they could just use the stairs to get to those areas.

That Fireteam Member who hides up on the garage platforms to not leave for the entire game.


Those guys who think hiding under buildings is a valid tactic… hell most campers.

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The fireteam member Who waste a medkit only because he lost 3% of his health.

The fireteam member Who trys to Mark vegitarium and alarm systems but spots wrong and confuse the fireteam.


If smoke is deployed, the Predator can see FT if they switch to thermal; however, if FT is muddy then he can’t see shit.

Granted neither can the FT… but they can still see Objective info. So when chopper drops repel ropes, you’ll still see the UX for grabbing the exfil point.

Popping smoke is a good misdirection strategy against Predator at exfil, especially if you stand outside the smoke cloud while he’s in there swinging away at Hostile Ai but not FT lol.


In a fairly short time of observing the FT in thermal mode, the mode marks the FT members with red markers above their head and this includes mudded up FT. So if the Pred has used thermal mode on you for a set length of time he gets that marker permanently as long as he’s within a certain distance of the FT. So while the Pred can’t see you, he can see the mark and shoot at the area underneath to hit you. Smoke is at best used in my opinion to obscure a dead Pred body from AI.

Which also makes thermal decoys fairly useless other then having a FT member stay somewhere to mislead a Pred away from the group. Or as a decoy to set the Pred up for a sniper.

I’ve also seen a lot of people running Ice Cold lately. The perk itself is useless. On it’s own it makes you green when seen through a Preds thermal so you’re clearly visible to the Pred still and it doesn’t enhance being mudded up in any way.


I fucking hate this and I consider it a broken game thing. That’s why once the predator spots me I don’t lose seconds mudding up. Is a waste of time and a quick way for the pred to kill you with an arrow, disc or combi.

“Smoke is at best used in my opinion to obscure a dead Pred body from AI.”

Smoke is useless. AI will still see you and the Pred in the smoke. Smoke does not affect them. Flashbangs are 100 times a better option to smoke.

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I have not tested, but if anyone is up to test we can confirm if it is indeed useless or not. I think this perk hides the footprints when the predator has that perk to see your footprints.

Again, haven’t tested, but I had a very high successful rate hiding from the pred using that perk along with silent. Had preds running or even walking in front of me and completly ignore me

Lol, I stand corrected, if it doesn’ affect the AI’s aim on the Pred body they are indeed useless.

And I don’t know if I’d call it broken but I am a bad judge of what is and isn’t broken. I do agree though once the Pred has found you there’s not too much of a reason to mud up. Only if you’ve driven him off and are going to another objective because the marker only appears within a certain distance. So you can lose the Pred for a little while that is until you reach the next objective and the AI’s fire tells the Pred where you’re at.

I don’t know, I have a friend who plays and I’ll check that in about 12 hours when he comes on. Go into private and see if Ice Cold hides your footprints.

that one fire team member who must not speak dutches language because dutch said stick together fireteam 15 times but one still split off and died